Fetch Quest V

After entering the town once more we made our way to the building that Cyrus had, for lack of a better term 'set up shop in'.


Though it is possible to buy or rent a building it wasn't feasible at this point.


No one had the money to do so yet.


We both walked in seeing Cyrus bent over working with a [Forge Circle], built into the floor.


Forge circles are akin to magic circles but act like sacred sigils and worked using spiritual power rather than magical.


By affixing up to ten items into the slots of the forge circle one could combine the souls of the items around a [monster's core] to create equipment and items.


All that was needed was; a monster's core, attained from a monster; a [shape stone] used for to create the item type, sword, knife, etc.; the «binding material», metal and other things used to create the item; one to three «sealing materials», used to make the item; and lastly one to four «accessory materials» to argument the item stats.


Hearing us walk in Cyrus looked up and turn to us.


"Oh, hey you two what can I do for you?"