Special – Desires

~ Yes, fate has been at work, the wheel is turning. Pressure applied. Forward movement. Dust Scattered. The bumps on the road shake the wheel but that has only made the journey more eventful. Soon the clear skies shall vanish, clouds will darken, and the heavens will loose their fury. ~


"Was it unavoidable?"


"Yes, it was, but it was no fault of ours."


"You did what you felt was right, right?"


"Yeah, I did it for you and for her, and I'd do it all again."


"Could we still see mother again?"


"It's not too late, we can save it and save her, before things spiral out of control."


"I hope so, I too pray to see mother once more."


"So, do I, so do I."


~ Fate, the sum of all choices. We are bound by fate. Destiny we cannot avoid. ~