Meeting of the Minds II

"Hello everyone, welcome. My name is Arthorias. I am pleased that you all could make it here. The seven of us have called this meeting to discuss the many things concerning all of as players and the things that have come to light from these circumstances. Please with an open mind hear what we have to say."

"First, I want to address is the rumors regarding the circumstance we find ourselves in. As of now there is no confirmed method to log-out. The only thing that is known, is that we must defeat the final boss individually as players to escape; and we cannot confirm if dying here means we can escape or if we will truly die," Arthorias paused for a moment.

Murmuring and whispering began to break out from among the crowd.

Arthorias began to speak once more, his voice acting to silence the crowd, "In this matter I would like to ask each and every one of you, please, please err on the side of caution. Do not gamble with your life!" Arthorias spoke loudly and firmly.