The Dead Walking II

"For those players who are unfamiliar with this rumor. It's said that the players who are dead return as undead monsters," He paused for a moment gripping his sword tightly.

"This is somewhat true, though I believe it to be more likely that when a player dies the game creates a copy of that player's data and spawns their avatar as a monster. Either way, no matter who appears before you, remember, be it an acquaintance, a close friend, family, or even a lover, do not let your emotions sway you. It is not them. Keep your focus and keep the goal in mind," Arthorias paused for a moment.

"I understand the fear this game has placed on many of you. The most important thing in light of this is your mental health. I have seen the state of many players since we've become trapped here. It is not good. Therefore, I called out to many players, and many have come forward to act as counselors. We have put together a group to help anyone that is feeling isolated, depressed, or even angry. They are here for you for all of you, please reach out to them."