Support Networks

"These are your fellow players who are here to help you. You are not alone in your struggles. Seek them out if you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed. Now to those of you now a part of this team please step forward." Arthorias motioned to a specific section of the crowd.

From among the crowd hundreds upon hundreds of different players stood up. Each of these players would act to help alleviate the mental pressures that this event will inflict on everyone.

It was amazing to see so many people willing to help their fellow players.

From among the group one player began to speak, this player introduced themselves as the head of this group and encouraged everyone to call on them for help and made a call to recruit other players.

A moment later Arthorias continued speaking, "Thank you all for making yourselves known to those whom you will be fighting with and helping support. Everyone here are people you can turn to. Do not forget them, do not forget the support that is available to each of you. And everyone please, remember you have each other. In your darkest hour turn to each other for help."