As I figured! the god damn government killed my contacts aka friends and hid everything! I should have known!
Mirane and I were outside, just taking a walk. getting a clear head after just smashing our heads against a wall called giant fucking problems! We talked about how to get a move on, as suddenly a giant explosion happened! I could not make out where it was, nor how bad it could have been. Well, nobody could've prepared anyone for what was about to happen anyways. I'd say the government started blowing up libraries and other buildings concerning "private" information! Meaning building like the national libraries with historical values such as the civilian war or the presidential selections.
I figured that this would be a Continental issue but for them to blow up buildings with historical value or just plain and simple intellectual value! I do not want to know how many people they already killed or tortured, how many families have been divided, parents and children taken to be "disposed of" whatever is happening in the world, the government knows and does not want the populace to know about it.
Mirane was gone, I hadn't realized.. as being in thought, I was focused on something else, as one would think right. anyways, I might've panicked, I don't want to lose her too! Luckily she wasn't to far, she had been helping an elderly woman whom fell and hit her head because of the shockwave. She and I did not get hit by the wave as we were inside a building looking out as during the walk we got hungry and wanted to eat out.