My Love in Another World
Chapter 7: 1 vs 1 (part 1)
Right now I am talking with the master or one of the teachers from this Tiger Fist Sect "Seon Hwan", he is the same person who came to watch the competition and also the same person who came yesterday morning.
If you are curious about his looks, well he is a middle-aged man, with long dark red hair and has a good build body.
After talking a little bit with him, he took me to the place I will fight, and on our way, I saw various other students all of them were looking at me like a wild cat ready to hurt someone. I think they were just curious.
Finally, I reach the white podium.
After entering the arena, I was greeted by young a man, who was wearing loose clothes with no sleeves. He was a little bit taller than me had black hair.
"My name is Bok Beom-Seok and also your opponent" He bowed to me as he introduced himself. I also bowed to him and showed respect.
He was the same person, whom I saw at the gate of the sect
After bowing to each other, Seon Hwan told the rules "The only way to win is, either makes your opponent surrender or throw your opponent out of this podium on the ground. Also, you can hurt each other but killing is not allowed and don't use any type of tricks"
"Now, Begin!!!"
With this our fight begins.
Also, I am not a masochist who enjoys beating, if you thought that was the reason I said I wanted to be satisfied, the main reason is to see, if the sect has the level of talent that could help me train, after all, I can't become strong if I don't face anyone as strong as me or stronger than me.
The fight has begun but neither he nor I moved an inch, we both were looking at each other. Also, students of this sect are all around the podium looking at the scene and cheering for their friend Bok Beom-Seok
"I will be straight, I will not hold myself back and go all out, so if you get hurt don't curse me" I said in a calm tone.
He didn't say anything and just "Hum" me.
"Alright then" After saying this, I launched an attack.
"What happened?"
It was simple, I did what I said, I go all out the moment I made up my mind to attack him. So with the highest speed possible, I launched an attack straight fist on his abdominal, I was sure he would be able to take it head-on when I saw him not moving an inch even when I launched an attack But
But he was sent flying to the ground and between the students.
I was shocked, and then I looked at Seon Hwan, he also has a shocked expression and his mouth was open.
"Is this best you had or did I made a mistake when I was asking for a fight?" I asked him, Seon Hwan
He looked at me and after taking a deep breath he said "he was one of our best, an expert ranked warrior but, you were just too strong"
He was right, I am strong but still to think that an expert class warrior won't be able to give me a good fight was boring.
I looked at my opponent, who was right now on the ground and few students carried him away.
After pondering for a second I looked at Seon Hwan and asked "Where are the other best students?"
Seon Hwan also understood that I wanted to fight with other students so with a hesitant look he turned to his right side where 3 more students were standing.
But when he looked at those students, the students averted their gaze and walked away.
Seong Hwan also didn't say anything and just gave me a confused smile
Nothing was left now, Though I could fight with teachers and have a good fight still it would be an overkill and I still don't know if I could even fight these teachers/elders or not.
After a few more talks and some talk with students of the sect, I left the place and came back to my house.
. . .
At the Tiger Fist Sect-
Seon Hwan was sitting beside Bok Beom-Seok, who was lying on the bed and had bandages all over his stomach.
With a sad smile Seon asked his student "How was it?"
Bok Beom looked at his teacher for a second and after that he said "If not for my armor, I would be dead. He is strong, just too much strong. I think it's better to let him fight with your teachers, not with us students"
His reply was in a normal tone but with sadness, as he was once called one of the best students of the sect but today he got taken out with one single attack, not only that his armor was also destroyed.
He can no longer be prideful and call himself the best
At Bin Family's house-
Our Bin Chuang-Ae (mc) is doing his usual training on the courtyard and his family is right now out dude their own work.
*threw fists*
*attacking with legs*
I have now improved a lot all thanks to my hard work and enhancement technique using Ki. Now no matter how hard I practiced, I am not improving a single bit even if I use my Ki to enhance my body.
I am bottlenecked
"I am done" I said yet out loudly and walked towards Wan Mi, our head main, and sit beside her.
Whenever she is free, she uses to watch me train, I never asked her the reason for it and neither I was interested.
"Are you done for today? Don't you usually do more practice?"
While I was drinking water, Wan Mi asked me this question. With a sigh, I said "I did train a lot but I can no longer improve more, I am stuck now and the only way to improve more is to fight with someone stronger than me or at least equal to me"
"Then why not fight with Seong-sama, he is a prodigy after all"
"Haha, no, I can fight with anyone but not Seong, he is my one and only friend on whom I believe the most so, I could never bring myself to hurt him"
"Then it is hard for you"
Wan Mi tried to give me suggestion but none of it worked, at the end we just chat together. Also, during our chat I asked "Are you interested in martial arts?"
She said no but I asked her the reason for her always trying to see me train, and there I got to know that her kids are interested in learning martial arts. Thus whatever she sees me doing, she demonstrates to her kids.
I was shocked to hear this, that she literally demonstrates and asked her again, but she said yes. After some deep thought I asked "Why not bring your kids here? I can teach them"
"No, Master didn't allow it"
I remained silent and then after thinking something I said "Then want me to train you?"
"Huh? Are you serious?"
"Yes, I am"
"But, house works?"
"Don't worry about it"
"Alright, it's decided then. Tonight after ending your work, come to courtyard" I didn't listen to her and left the place.
At night time-
I am done with my food and right now I am standing in the courtyard. Soon I hear some footsteps, as I looked to see who the person was, it was Wan Mi
"Shall we begin?" I asked Wan Mi with a smile
"Listen to me young master, I think-" Wan Mi tried to say something but I didn't listen to her and hold her.
"Stand straight, your posture is no good! Your legs also" I had started training her. She wanted to say something but I didn't listen to her.
After an hour later, she was sweating all over her body.
"My, my body is in pain" Wan Mi said with a painful look.
I smiled at her and turned towards her. I held her shoulder and lay her down on the ground. Then I put my palm on her stomach.
"Young master!"
"Don't worry, I am a gentleman and won't do anything funny"
With that said, I circulated me, Ki, throughout her body.
"What is this warm feeling," Wan Mi said with a red face. I only smiled at her and didn't answer.
"It's done now, you won't feel any more pain now" After saying this, I left the place.
Next Morning-
Wan Mi told me that she no longer feels pain from the training and also her old pain is also removed, I was really happy to hear it.
And again, there was somebody on the door today from the 7 Weapon Sect.