Chapter 8: 1 vs 1 (Part 2)

My Love in Another World

Chapter 8: 1 vs 1 (Part 2)

Today I am facing Song Dong-Min, A prodigy in a sword fight.

He is a young man, with a good build and had 2 swords around his waist, as compared to Tiger Fist sect who use strength their every attack, this sect use weapons in the fight.

Same rules as before and with that said I also took 2 swords from the sect. Do you know what I love the most in the world? I love to destroy those people in their own game, thus my opponent is a dual sword user so I will also use 2 swords.

Do I know how to wield a sword? Who are you even asking?


The first one to launch an attack was Song, he with both swords came straight towards me and launched and cross slash


"Yes! No, wait after image?"

Seong was being happy as he thought he had got me but the one he attacked was not me but my after images which I left when sword just barely touched me.


I appeared behind him and just casually waved my sword around his back but he was also fast and dodged the attack (not as fast as me)

I smiled and then with a little bit of seriousness, I launched myself at him.


The moment he jumped to dodge my attack and landed on the ground I had already launched the attack.

I threw my one sword up and the other sword straight to his chest.

Again he moved his body aside and barely evaded the sword but my 2nd sword which was still in the air also came down to my hands and now I was already in front of him.

"Game over"

I launched an attack straight at the neck of Song, but before my sword could make contact with his skin, I stopped.

"I surrender"

Thus, I again, won the battle.

He was good but still I am better and if I had really gone all out and used my inner ki also, hahaha, then I would have blown him away.

After this, I had a chat with one of the master of the sect, Ji Dong-Min and then left the place

Again, I was dissatisfied

At Bin Family's house-

I am back to my house and right now I am with Wan Mi, training her how to feel and control her ki. And at night I gave her training.

The reason for teaching her how to fight was not because of some favoritism but because I thought, "If I can't have someone strong to face me, then why not make someone strong?"

With that thought I trained her, though I could train her kids also, it would take time, as they are still small kids, so I choose Wan Mi.

With this, my day passed

Next Day-

Again, someone from Lotus Sect visited us and with him, I visited their sect

Once again, I am in the arena against someone, and as compared to the last two sects, this sect is known for its perfect skills and techniques.

With the same rules, the fight begins-

My opponent was the one who launched the attack first but I just moved to the side, dodging his attack.




"I surrender"

Again, the same results, I won with almost zero efforts.

I go back to my house and then with Wan Mi, I practice some moves and thus my day passed.

During this time, Seong did visit my house a few times but he maintained some distance after that warm night *cough*

I also didn't concern it much and gave him his space.

Next Day-

A new person and a new sect but this time it was the spirit sect, the strongest sect in this town and incontinent.

Again, I visited the sect with the envoy and now I am in the arena against a new face but this time it is a captain class warrior.

It seems that sects are the main nurturing point where all warriors grow and can also work. And also after captain class, the warriors can take very high-level missions, after the captain class is where the true journey of martial arts begins.

My opponent today is Eum Youngjae, an adult with no expression.

Same old rules and when everything was over, our fight begins

"I Hope you are stronger than me"