Chapter 19: My Personal Maid

My Love in Another World

Chapter 19: My Personal Maid

Many people are seeing at Ryong Hyo-Sonn's direction, as she is right now talking with a rich person. And everyone is curious about what they are talking

Bin Chuang-Ae (mc) smiled at Royng and then said "The reason why I am here is that I am looking for a maid. And among all those people, I have met so far you are the one that suits the most for the job. So will you work as a maid in my house?"

A rich person coming out of nowhere and asking a poor girl to work at his house is definitely something all girls in the slum area dreamed of, but never got it.

As for how Ryong got it? They didn't know the reason but were really jealous right now.

On the other hand, Ryong was speechless.

To live, she picked wastes of other people, and now, out of nowhere she is getting a job offer. Like hell, she would decline it

"Ye-Yes. I will work efficiently as a maid" Ryong said in a loud tone.

"Then meet me tomorrow at Bin family's mansion, at the market side. Tell the guards that Bin Chuang-Ae has requested you." Bin said to her and then left the place

. . .

The news about Ryong getting a maid job which was personally requested by someone has spread throughout the slum area and everyone congratulated her.

Well, there were people who were jealous of her, especially pretty girls but still at the end of the day they all congratulated her.

Next day-

Ryong is right now standing at the gate of Bin Family Mansion and had told the guards, the reason for her to be here.

After some time a guard came and said "Young master is calling you, Follow me"

Ryong followed the guard and then soon reach to a big hall. And there she saw a familiar face, which she saw yesterday

Bin was sitting on a chair while reading some papers. And beside him, was a beautiful female, a mature female and that too a beauty

With a smile, Bin said, "So you are here?"

Ryong was speechless for a second and then said "yes, I am here as you requested. I promise to work efficiently and never slack"

"hahaha" Bin laughed at her words and then said "It's ok to take rest. Don't be so tense. Meet her *pointing at the mature female* Wan Mi, the head maid. She will train you about housework and if you face any problem, tell her"

After that Bin stand up and said "I'll leave the rest of the work to you Wan Mi" and then he left the place

"Follow me," Wan mi said after bowing to Bin when he left

After that, Wan mi started teaching her how to clean, how to wash, how to make and etc-etc.

Bin came back home and saw Ryong doing work diligently and was happy to see it.

Then he walked towards his room, and following him, Wan Mi brought waster to his room.

"What is it Wan Mi?" Bin asked Wan Mi when she entered the room, as he has noticed discomfort on her face

With a smile, Wan Mi said "Young master, all servants know just how humble you are and everyone is respectful towards you. But both Master's (mc's parents) didn't like your behavior of bringing a girl to the house"

"So?" Bin asked her.

Bin is not a type of guy who thinks much about what other people are thinking, even if they are his own family. It's not like he hates them or literally doesn't care about them, it's just that he likes to be free

"Nothing so far, but I would suggest you meet your parents and talk about Ryong when you have time," Wan Mi said, as she put down the glass of water. Then she turned and was ready to leave when she heard something

"Is your training going great?" Bin asked her

"Yes, it is. It's all thanks to your young master. Also, my kids are now in a martial school, I hope you could take time and meet them as for them you are there idol" Wan Mi said with a deep bow and then left the room

That night, Bin talked with his parents about Ryong, he told them that the reason why he took her in is that he has taken pity on her.

Though his parents didn't pursue this matter anymore, his mother still had doubts. And after some more deep talks, he left the room

. . .

Time passed by months and then years, Bin now is 17 years old and soon the annual family meeting will also be held.

Bin's business has expanded by a lot and now he rarely gets free time. But whenever he gets free time, he spends it in teaching his servant's martial art (including maids also, Ryong also).

Also, his Sister is now a branch head of the Expert ranked warrior, as for what rank she is right now, she is Expert ranked but near Captain Class warrior. Seems like a year more and then she will be at captain class and then finally walk the path of true martial artist

Also, Bin asked Wan Mi to teach Ryong how to read, write and calculations

Time passed by and Ryong became a well-educated girl, though she still used to live in the slum areas as she wasn't allowed to stay in the house, like other maids.

But Bin, already had plans for her future