Chapter 20: General Manager

My Love in Another World

Chapter 20: General Manager

"This completes the report" Ryong, said as she gave back the paper Bin gave her to read.

As for what she read, it is the data related to his business. Bin is right now moving according to his plan, he had made up his mind to make Ryong his personal maid and then the main manager of all his business.

With that in mind, Bin used to teach her various business tricks and other tips, which he himself learned from small experience and from his father.

As time passed by, she became more and greater in making a good report and also started presenting her own views.

Not just that, Ryong was also great when it comes to fighting. As compared to other people like guards who are at least a warrior ranked people were left behind by her, as her learning speed was too high.

She could not only learn things fast but her body could also adapt to the harsh training of Bin.

This gave Bin a new spark, as he himself wanted to improve his physical limits but was unable to do it as he needed someone equal or stronger than him to train on an everyday base. But now, looking at Ryong speed, she will soon reach around Expert rank in just a few more weeks.

Also, the speed of the Ryong maid not only guards feel shame, but even Bin Hyun-Jae(mc's big sister) feels jealous.

The annual family meeting was just around the corner, next week, and being the son of the main family, He has to show some great results.

Hyun-jae has already become a branch head of this city/town and has around 50 or so, warrior ranked people under her command.

As for our Bin, so far he owns 3 restaurants and 5 inns, sounds really good but when you consider it to the shop's other people own in his family, side/branch family, it's low. As they all have around 50 or more, so a lot of work needs to be done.

Also, all people in his family have connections with someone in law or someone superior who could help them when they are in deep shit, whereas Bin only knows few people from other kingdom and maybe that pirate queen?

Though Bin could use Seong and literally shock the whole family, as no one knows his background, except Bin, he wants to keep it safe for when he will really need it

. . .

Right now Bin is sitting in his room with few papers in front of him. Soon a Knock came on the door.


"Come in," Bin said without asking who it is, as he knows who it will be

"You called my young master?" Ryong appeared in front when she opened the door, in her maid dress

With a smile, Bin said "Here, read this contract and if you feel it is good. Give your thumbprint on it"

Ryong was a bit confused but she took the papers and started reading it, but when she read it, her eyes go all wide and with sweat on her face she asked "Young master are you kidding me?"

In the contract-

I Bin Chuang –Ae, youngest son of Bin Family presents the contract to Ryong Hyo-Sunn, a maid from my family.

The contract will give Ryong Hyo-Sunn, all power equal to Bin Chuang-Ae in all of his business. Which means Ryong Hyo-Sunn, could appoint people for work or resign them from work.

Now only that, when the business will flourish and enjoy profits, she will be rewarded with 10% profit from the business

Ryong Hyo-Sunn, can also make changes in business and follow her own new plans, but it could be discarded if not done without concern with Bin Chuang –Ae.

The main leader of all business owners by Bin Chuang-Ae will be him only but still, Ryong Hyo-Sunn will have the same power as the main leader.

With all this power, she will be given a position called General Manager, She could promote, remove, or do anything else in all the businesses owned by Bin Chuang-Ae.

But if the main leader, Bin Chuang-Ae won't like her decision, he could terminate her decisions.

Also, to remove her from the position, Bin Chuang-Ae would need valid proof, which could tell that she didn't do her job properly

With this, the contract ends-

There were more stuff written in it but the main thing, General Manager, second to the main leader was something that didn't get out of her head.

The power of general manager was just too much

With a shaky voice, Ryong asked "Young master you are joking right?"

With a smile, Bin said, "Do you think I would call you here to joke?"


Ryong didn't know what to say, she was speechless.

She only said one word "Why?"

"Why are you giving me this much power and why only me?"

"Because I want to," Bin said in a serious tone

He continued "I don't want to go to work and then come back and then next day again do same. I am bored now. I want fun. Thus I choose you for this job, so you could look after my business, as I enjoy my time around doing what I want"

"But still its-" Ryong tried to say something but got stop by Bin

Bin said in a firm tone "Ryong Hyo-Sonn, The reason I gave you this much power is because I believe in you and your talent that will help me earn more. If you want to back out, you can take your steps back but remember, You will also lose your job as a maid. I may sound harsh, but I want only those people around me, who won't break my belief on them. Think about it and answer me"

Bin gave her time to think, thus Ryong took it and took some time to think. After 2 days passed, she answered "I may not be that great but still I'll try my best"

Thus the contract was established and soon Ryongs name was spread around all of his shops

As for why Ryong accepted the contract is because she feels she has to repay the debt to Bin, as he gave her place to work and also taught her how to fight.

Ryong feels a lot of respect towards Bin, and when he gave her this offer, she was scared and asked herself, if she is worth it or not

And when Bin looked at her melancholy, he said "Life is all about choices. Don't think what is in front of you, think about what will happen when you take the offer or not. Think about it carefully"

Thus after thinking about it a lot, she gave her answer. She wants to repay her debts to Bin, by working as hard as possible

On the other side-

Bin's father and mother were now really angry at Bin, but still held back

Finally, the annual family meeting came

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