Character Creation

I stared intently at the blue screen hovering about half a meter before me.

[Character Creation]

'In order to create your character you need to think of yourself and what you want to become'

'What the hell is that supposed to mean' I thought to myself. 'I don't know what I want to become, I'm still in college all I do is play video games all day. I mean I work out, play games and sleep but thats about it. I really don't know what I want to be.'

I decided to just think of me, what I am right now. I'm not overweight I'm pretty athletic and I'm not exactly ugly. As I thought about me an image popped up on the screen. It was me, I looked at it and was quite pleased with myself although I could make a few changes.

I looked at my hair and decided it was too boring, so I added some colour I made it silver. I then looked at my muscles and decided to define them a bit more, not a lot just enough so that I could boast about them to my friends. I then looked further down and contemplated for a while, should I?

I did only like an inch so it looked like they do in the movies I know all too well.

I then looked at my new self and smiled, happy with my creation I tapped the arrow pointing to the right next to the screen. It brought me to a page labelled 'Status', I figured that this would come up. It was just like that of a game, whenever I played games I usually played the role of a rouge or assassin. I was given 50 start points to do with as I wished so I allocated them as evenly as possible as I didn't know what I needed where.

Status Page

Player Name : Ezekiel Tyler

Alias : Whispering_Death

Level : 0 {EXP:0/100}

Death Count : 0

Title(s) : None

Badges : None

Skills : None

Abilities : None

HP : 1000

MP : 500

Stats : STR - 10

AGI - 10

VIT - 10

INT - 10

SEN - 10

ATK : 1000

DEF : 500

Affiliation(s) : None

Skill Points : 20

Stat Points : 0

Vis : 0

Equipment : None

I didn't have any skills or titles and I wasn't sure as to what affiliations meant so I left it blank for now. I then tapped the arrow again to go to the next section. It read 'Skill Selection', I silently pumped my fist and quickly read it's description.

[Skills are a large part of the change, you can select as many skills as you wish as long as you have skill points. Skills are also available from the skill shop but you must pay for any and all skills bought from the skill shop, the skill shop is located in the stores now placed in all major cities.]

My skill points were at 20 so I decided to take my time and go through the list. There were two sections, Physical and Magical, these sections were further split into other sections with different lists for different types of skills. I couldn't be bothered going through all of them so I clicked on the search bar and a keyboard popped up. I typed in 'Stealth' as that was the name of a common skill in most games, a small list of 3 skills popped up.

[Stealth(lvl 1/5) - allows the user to become less visible to others - Lasts for 1 hour unless the user decides to end the skill early - Cooldown : None - Mana Cost : 2 per minute - Cost : 0vis+2 skill points]

[Stealthy Steps(lvl 1/3) - allows the user to step silently - Lasts for 1 hour unless the user decides to end the skill early - Cooldown : 1 hour - Mana Cost : 2 per minute - Cost : 0vis+2 skill points]

[Ultimate Stealth(lvl MAX) - allows the user to become invisible and invulnerable until they attack - Lasts for 1 hour - Cooldown : 1 hour - Mana Cost : 5 per minute - Cost : 0vis+5 skill points]

They all looked good and I decided that I wanted to become an assassin type anyways so I got all three. I then searched in 'Weapon Mastery' into the search bar and 5 skills came up. They were all masteries of different types of weapons: Bladed Weapon Mastery, Blunt Weapon Mastery, Heavy Weapon Mastery, Ranged Weapon Mastery and Hidden Weapon Mastery. They all had the same layout and description,

[_______ Weapon Mastery(lvl 1/20) - allows the user the ability to master _______ weapons - Cost : 0vis+1 skill point]

I would probably never use any heavy weapons or blunt weapons so I didn't take any of those I decided to take the other three though as they would probably be very useful. Then I was pretty stuck as to what to get next I probably wanted some skills that could deal high burst damage so I went to the DPS section and started scrolling. There were a lot of skills, I still had 8 skill points left so I decided to spend them. There was a particularly good looking skill that dealt high damage so I bought it.

[Triple Burst(lvl 1/5) - allows the user to triple its attack power for one attack - Cooldown : 20 minutes - Mana Cost : 10 - Cost : 0vis+3 skill points]

This skill looked pretty great and I felt pretty happy with it so I looked for a ranged attack that would help me out when I couldn't get close to an enemy. I found one that was in a lot of games and I used it a lot as well as it was easy to use and dealt reasonable damage.

[Guided Throwing(lvl 1/10) - allows the user to throw objects with extreme proficiency therefore doubling damage - Mana Cost : 1 per item thrown - Cost : 0vis+2 skill points]

After I got the ranged skill I decided to go and check the 'Magical' section as I was wondering what was there. It was separated into 7 sections: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Dark, Light and Special. There was a little yellow sigh on the 'Special' section that drew my attention. I tapped on it and a message popped up,

'You are a Special individual, the god of Creation has taken a liking to you. You will be granted one special skill at random. You should feel privileged as only 5,000,000,000 lifeforms will get this chance'

I looked in awe at the screen as I read it. Once I had finished reading a slot machine-like object popped up and waited to get its handle pulled. I snapped from my stupor and pulled the lever.

The wheel began to spin and stopped on a picture of a skull. I stepped back as I thought that meant I would die. However a notification popped up instead making me flinch.

[You have been gifted the 'Necromancy' skill, you can view this skill from your status menu]

I was very dissapointed. I was glad that I got a free skill and all but it was a necromancy skill. I had no experience in being a necromancer, I had only dabbled in being a mage in two different games and I wasn't very good at it. I ended up becoming a close combat mage in one of the games and just dropping the second.

Anyway I decided to deal with it later and looked through the other skills. Almost all of the skills in the magical section cost over four or more skill points. I clicked the 'Sort' button and made it so that the cheaper skills came first. There were only 9 skills that I could afford six of the skills were elemental boosters which would strengthen the potency of certain magics while lowering the effect that would happen to you. They were set up the same.

[_______ Element Boost(lvl 1/20) - ______ Element - allows the user the ability to cast _______ magic with more proficiency while making _______ magic less effective against the user - Cost : 0vis+1 skill point]

I didn't know if I really wanted any of these but I bought the Dark Magic one as it would probably effect my necromancy skill. I then looked at the other skills I could afford.

[Self Heal(lvl 1/10) - Light Element - allows the user to heal oneself of 20% Max HP - Cooldown : 10 minutes - Mana Cost : 5 - Cost : 0vis+1 skill point]

This one looked like a good skill to have, however I looked at the other skill first,

[Minor Heal(lvl 1/10) - Light Element - allows the user to heal others of 20% of their Max HP - Cooldown : None - Mana Cost : 5 - Cost : 0vis+ 2 skill points]

I didn't really need minor heal as I wasn't going to specialise as a healer but self heal would always be useful as it would help me to fight for longer without resting. I bought the Self Heal skill and decided to save the last skill point for later as I didn't really want anything else that I could afford. I clicked the arrow once more and went to the final page.

It was a message that read,

'As the creator is a benevolent one he has decided to gift every being with a care package. You can choose one from the following packages.' It then gave an option between two packages.

[Physical Pack - Contents : 1x level 1 weapon pack, 1x level 1 armour pack, 1x World Map skill(lvl Max),1x Appraisal skill(lvl1/3), +1000 HP Boost and 500 Vis]

[Magical Pack - Contents : 1x level 1 weapon pack, 1x level 1 armour pack, 1x World Map skill(lvl Max), 1x Appraisal skill(lvl 1/3),1x +500 MP Boost and 500 Vis]

They were basically both the same other than the HP and MP. I decided to go for the Physical Pack as I thought that HP was more important than MP.

As I pressed the pack I got a pain in my head again and I was transported back to my body, albeit with the new changes I added. I looked around and all I could see was grey. It was as if a very thick fog had shrouded the world, I tried to move my feet but they were cemented into place.

Suddenly a timer appeared before my face slowly counting down. [56:30], [56:29]. 'It must be the timer for creating your character' I thought to myself. I stood still in contemplation waiting for the timer to end.