Party Up

There were four rooms for the children to sleep in, two for girls and two for boys. Me, Oscar, Mike and Cole lived in room One; Jennifer, Alice, Lana and Lucy lived in room Two. Jennifer and Alice were best friends, Jennifer was to turn 18 in 5 weeks while Alice wouldn't be 18 for another 4 months. They were both attractive young women but they had very stern personalities and completely despised the four boys in the room next door. Lana and Lucy were identical twins, they both had black hair as they were of East Asian descent and they would turn 17 in 3 months. Lana and Lucy were the only girls who played with us online, they played light and dark mages respectively. Jennifer and Alice also played WoF but they wouldn't really play with us as they despised us, they both played as assassin/rouge types as they liked to compete with me. We only ever played together during boss raids but even then we didn't play much as we always fought over loot.

The third and fourth rooms were for the younger children. In room number Three we had Ashley, Katie, Carrie and Lily. They were all 15 years old and were basically inseparable, they were always together. They didn't really play online games and just spent their free time doing girl stuff, I really didn't pay much attention to what they were doing as it bored me.

The fourth room on the other hand was always interesting to go to. There were 4 boys living in there and they were all obsessed with WoF they had posters on the walls and action figures set up on their shelves. They would use every second of their free time bashing WoF trying to compete with each other. They were all in the top 100 in the world but they had made a pact that they wouldn't stream. They had a joint YouTub€ channel where they put up highlights from their battles and they had 30 million subscribers. Oliver was the mage, he played as a water mage so he could counter Cole. John was the Main Tank as he kind of idolised Oscar and how brave he was. Tyler played as a healer which was the one thing that our party lacked because we felt we didn't really need a healer most of the time, plus none of us ever wanted to be a non combat class anyways. Lastly was Daniel he switched between summoners and monks as he liked to play the field a lot.

As I was mulling over all the information I had and trying to think of the best ways to party up I got tapped on my shoulder making me turn around to be met with the smiling faces of Lana and Lucy. "What's up girls?" I asked as they obviously wanted something. "We just wanna ask you to go over our stats for us to see of we did good."Lana replied "We used our game characters as a guideline but I got a special skill so I had to change it a bit." Lucy added.

My eyes lit up when she said that last bit. It made me remember my special skill, I hadn't looked at it yet so I pulled it up,

[Necromancy(lvl 1/???) - This is a special skill giving it different derivative forms - Form One (Undead Summon) : Allows the user to summon undead(lower)*1 - Lasts until the summon is ended or is killed - Cooldown : None - Mana Cost : 3 per summon - Form Two (Umbrakinesis) : Gives the user the ability to control shadows - Lasts until user runs out of Mana - Cool down : None - Mana Cost : 5 per minute - Form Three (Shadow Extraction) : no mana required) - A shadow soldier is created from a body the user has taken the life of taking out its mana - Cool down : None - Mana Cost : None - Shadows able to be extracted: 0/10 (Potential Shadows: 5.) - All Shadows will be stored in the user's Shadow unless otherwise stated]

I stared at the screen for a few minutes in awe until I was snapped back to reality by a sweet voice "Zeke are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" It was Lucy who was still stood in front of me staring, she looked like she was about to cry. "No no, of course not I was just looking at one of my skills and realising how OP it is." Lucy smiled in relief when she realised I wasn't mad at her. Then she sat on my bed and tapped the quilt next to her indicating I sit down, I did and Lana sat on the other side of me. Then I realised something.

" Wait how can I check your stats, we can't see each other's start screens" I said while trying to think of how we did it in game. Just then Oscar chimed in from the bed above me "You can see each other's stats when your in a party if you set it so." I looked up to him "Who are you in a party with?" I asked. He pointed across the room to the other bed at Mike, that would explain why it was only those two fighting before and not Cole. "Send party invite to 'MidnightSun' I said and a small blue notification appeared in front of Lucy she smiled and excepted. A small green bar appeared at the top left of my peripheral vision with Lucy's handle on top of it. I then sent an invite to Lana as well who gladly accepted it with a smile, her handle was 'DaylightMoon'. They had the opposites of each other to contrast the different elements they controlled. I clicked on their status's and read them,

Status Page

Player Name : Lana Lui

Alias : DaylightMoon

Level : 0 {EXP:0/100}

Death Count : 0

Race : Undetermined

Title(s) : None

Badge(s) : None

Skill(s) : Physical {1}

Magical {8}

Abilities : None

HP : 1000 (+800)

MP : 1250 (+200)

Stats : STR - 10

AGI - 5

VIT - 10 (+8)

INT - 15 (+4)

SEN - 10

ATK : 1000 (+400)

DEF : 500 (+150)

Affiliation(s) : {In Party with - Whispering_Death & DaylightMoon}

Equipment : {2}

Status Page

Player Name : Lucy Lui

Alias : MidnightSun

Level : 0 {EXP:0/100}

Death Count : 0

Race : Undetermined

Title(s) : None

Badge(s) : None

Skill(s) : Physical {2}

Magical {6}

Abilities : None

HP : 1000 (+400)

MP : 950

Stats : STR - 10

AGI - 10

VIT - 10 (+4)

INT - 15 (+4)

SEN - 5

ATK : 1000

DEF : 700

Affiliation(s) : {In Party with - Whispering_Death & MidnightSun}

Equipment : {2}

I mulled over the stat pages in front of me for a few minutes while the girls sat in anticipation. I then patting the two girls on their heads and they smiled. "You did a great job, your stats are very Mage oriented. And Lucy an extra congratulations and getting a Special Skill, only 5 billion lifeforms will get one of those." Lucy beamed brighter then I had ever saw her beam before before jumping onto me and clinging to me. " Thank you so much Zeke you really are the best!" Lana then jumped onto the other side of me not wanting to miss out on the opportunity, this caused the two of them to bump heads in pain. They pulled back rubbing their heads in pain, while I smirked and stood up from the bed.