Settling In

We stood in our formation in the middle of the hall, waiting for the Sergeant. Him and his Mrs. Sheila had gone to the kitchen around twenty minutes before to grab any essentials that we might need. The Sergeant rounded the corner at the end of the corridor and everyone saluted him before standing up straight.

He was holding an armful of quivers all filled with arrows while Mrs. Sheila stood behind him holding the bows. Everyone was trained in archery as the Sergeant had made it a part of the curriculum.

"All guns and modern electronics have been proven to be ineffective so it's time to put your archery training to good use. Any who wish to use one of these bows may take one now." he said while holding out his arm. Five people then broke formation to take a bow, it was the four younger girls and one of the boys. Everyone had weapons but it seemed like some of them were unweildable by the children so they stored them in their inventory and used the bows instead. They fell back in line and the Sergeant continued, "We will be moving out now, Ezekial will be taking the position of Vanguard as he knows where we are going, I will be rearguard. Everyone make sure to stay focused and alert at all times, this is a new world we are living in and it is one of chaos. Everyone, move out!" The Sergeant finished his speech and everyone moved out. I was stood at the front of the group with my sword drawn, Oscar and Mike were following close behind me. Then was Cole, Lucy and Lana, followed by Mrs. Sheila and the 8 youngest in the middle, the rear guard was taken by the Sergeant and the two older girls Alice and Jennifer.

The trip went extremity smoothly, we took backstreets mostly until we reached the large apartment building. Everyone looked up in awe at it for a moment before regaining their composure and continuing inside. I held up my hand in a fist as we lined up along the wall, I activated Stealth then walked into the building checking to make sure no one was there. It was clear so I went back to the front, deactivated Stealth and told everyone to follow me. I got a few weird glances from them but they followed.

Mike, Alice, Jennifer and the Sergeant stayed to guard the bottom of the elevator while me and Oscar took the first lot of people up. We made it to the top which was blocked by a large wooden table, we moved it out of the way and went straight to the open door at the far end of the hallway. I knocked on the door and was met with the smiling face of Rose. She jumped forward with a smile and hugged me, "Thank God you're finally back!" she said into my chest before letting me go "the someone here that wants to meet you." she continued before walking into the apartment. I turned and told Oscar to go and get the rest of the group while the other 4 people stay in the hallway and guard. They all nodded so I went into the apartment and closed the door behind me.

Standing in the front room were 5 men dressed in black, 4 of which were holding swords and spears. I instinctively pulled out my own sword and activated Ultimate Stealth. The one man in black who didn't pull out a weapon stared at the scene in shock before speaking, "Stop, stop! We mean no harm. I'm the Mayor Andy Burnham. I own this apartment." I looked over to the man who spoke, who was now right next me as I was going to stab him, and realised I did recognise him he was indeed the Mayor. I put away my sword and deactivated Ultimate Stealth.

The mayor jumped when I suddenly appeared next to him with my hand outstretched but he soon composed himself and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Lord Mayor, It's an honour." I said as he shook my hand. "The honour is all mine" he replied while wiping the sweat from his forehead. He gestured that I sit down so I did.

We talked for about 5 minutes before a knock came from the door. The guards drew their weapons before I held up my hands and said that it was just my people. They didn't relax as I went to open the door to be met with the Sergeant's face. I stepped aside and he walked in. He introduced himself to the Mayor and I decided to go and wait outside.

We all waited outside in positions for about 30 minutes before the Sergeant came out closely followed by the Mayor. He told us that he was going to sit and have tea with the Mayor for a while and we were to settle in to our new quarters. We all saluted him and then I took the piece of paper that he was holding out to me.

It was a list of all of the rooms that had no occupants or the tenants had left to get out of the city. The men in the black suits had cleared the building and only three families remained other than the Burnhams, they were on the third and second floors. We decided to take the 7th and 8th floors for our own and went down to build a proper barricade.

Oscar and Cole put all of their inventory in room 8a before taking the large wooden table and a few other things to go and make the barricades on the bottom floor. Jennifer and Alice took room 8b before quickly locking the door behind them as to not be disturbed. Me and Mike took room 8c which had a bunch of furniture in because this room was already occupied but the people had fled, Lana and Lucy took room 8d.

The other 8 children took the rooms one floor down in twos and started unpacking, everyone was done by around 10 o'clock. I was sat on the corner my new bed in my new room which I had taken from the previous owners when I got a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it to find Lana and Lucy stood there smiling, "What's up?" I asked smiling back, "We made Dinner." Lana replied beaming brightly while Lucy grabbed my sleeve and started pulling me out of my room. I had already put all of my armour in the walk in wardrobe in the room but I had my short sword in my inventory so I walked with them out of the room.

We went into there apartment and sat around two tables that had been set up in the living room. A large pot of curry could be seen steaming away in the centre of each table. There were plates of other things placed on the tables to like rice and French fries as well as toast. It was a weird Dinner for sure, but my stomach rumbled at the sweet scent of the food nonetheless.

We all sat around the tables excluding the Sergeant and Mrs. Sheila who had taken a room on the 9th floor. Even Jennifer and Alice were sat at the table happily eating away.

By 11:30 everyone had finished and headed off to bed, I stayed behind to help with the cleaning up. Me, Lana and Lucy stood around the kitchen cleaning for another 25 minutes before it was completely clean, I wished them a good sleep before leaving and heading to my bed.

Mike was already sleeping in his room so I went straight to mine and lay down on my bed. I looked over to the alarm clock on my nightstand, the time read 11:59. I closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep.