Forgotten Promises

Warning: Rough Sex

Trigger Warning: Non-consensual Sex, Violence.

*This is where most of the warnings apply, so if you're sensitive to those, then you can either skip this chapter or unsubscribe. Feel free to do as you please.*

Promises are made to be broken they say, but it doesn't always work that way for some people. Others take to heart what they've committed themselves to do, and for those who were given the promise, take it as a sacred thing. It's what binds a person to another. It's a beautiful tragedy just waiting to happen. People will go the extra mile just to keep them, and the ones who were given that, if not fulfilled, can get into a state of madness. That is why I'm so keen into keeping every word that I make. It gives me a sense of fulfillment, and I never want for things between me and another individual to turn sour.

At least that's what I thought I did.

At the age of eighteen, I've experienced a lot of weird and unexplainable things. Nothing can surprise me anymore it seems, but, never in my life have I thought that I'd be inside this sort of predicament, and I was so sure that I may yet to see the light of day.

I know the man I kept on dreaming about is real, somehow, at the back of my mind, I know that he is. He was a big part of my childhood, and I struggle to process each and every single revelation.

As the figure in front of me slowly starts to emerge into that of a man, I stare at him with eyes filled with pure terror and fright. I watch as he hovers over me, his body crushing me, pinning me down against the mattress. I was immobilized, and when I felt his lips brushing against my ear, I could do nothing but close my eyes.

"Didn't I tell you that you're not allowed to let another man touch you?" He growls against my ear, and my lips quiver in fear.

"You promised me Eunji, you gave me your word." He says in a hushed tone. I can hear the anger laced in every single word he spoke.

���Or do you want me to remind you how we sealed that promise?" He says tauntingly as his hands continue to unbutton my top.

I have nothing else underneath this oversized pajama top I stole from my father's old room, except from a tiny garment on my lower region, and I don't know how I can salvage myself if this man continues to do the act.

"Please, don't do this to me."

I manage to choke out when I feel his fingers aiming for another button, one which hides my chest, and I sigh in relief when he stops and proceeds to stare at my face for a good amount of time.

Did he actually listen? I can't really tell, but despite my lack of ability to save myself from the situation, somehow, I feel that I can talk my way out of this. I bravely look at his face. If my memory serves me right, and he actually is a friend of mine, then I might actually get out of this alive and unscathed. I squinted my eyes in an attempt to see better, but the room was dark, and the pale light coming from outside did not help much for me to see his face. All I can see is his outline, and how his eyes glow with the fire burning inside of them. His body feels so cold against mine, and the more I stare at his silhouette, the more I start to shiver. He feels so big and heavy against me, and I'm terrified of the things that he might do. He may actually be the devil himself.

The man clicks his tongue in a taunting manner, and once again I feel his cold, cold lips moving against my ear.

"You should have said that to him instead, before you let him take you and break your fucking promise!"

I can hear him gritting his teeth, I can feel his fingers run through my locks, and before I knew it, I felt a sting of pain in my scalp as his hands started to pull at my hair roughly. He tilts my head up, causing me to see the outline of his lips.

He is smirking at me.

Before I can say another word, he leans his face down, and attacks my lips in a brutal kiss. I can feel his tongue trying to pry open my lips, and I was too shocked to actually fight his advances. Slowly his tongue snakes its way inside me, and I am attacked with an addicting taste of sweetness.

How a man can taste so sweet, I have no idea, in fact, the taste is so addicting, that I found my lids heavy, and my tongue greedy to get a taste. My lips started to move on its own accord, like they were so familiar with the pair, and I found myself succumbing to him. He groans against my mouth, and kisses me more roughly, making my lips move against his with equal fervor, his wet muscle tasting every inch of me. Slowly, I can feel the temperature of his body changing. He is getting warm, and warmer still as our lips dance in heat together. He tastes so sinfully delicious, it was intoxicating.

All of a sudden, he breaks the kiss. The man proceeded to bite my lower lip, tugging it a little roughly, before he decided to let go. A popping sound can be heard at the corners of the room, it made me gasp. It felt so wrong, yet so right.

"My, my, what do we have here?" He laughs at me in a taunting manner. I can feel a rush of heat in my cheeks, and how what feels like pure embarrassment surges through me.

"You may have forgotten about me sweetheart." He says, the tip of his nose almost touching mine.

"But these lips," I hitch a breath and shiver when I feel his tongue licking my upper lip. It was so sensually delicious. "These lips remember who they belong to."

The same time those words were spoken, his hands are clutching the fabric of my clothes, and he opens them in haste, causing the remaining buttons to fly all over the four corners of the room.

"I fucking own you." He grins, then he runs his big calloused hands on my mounds, and squeezed them not-so-gently.

I bite my lip to stop them from quivering. I feel so frightened for my life, yet somehow, underneath all that fear, lies a fire just itching to get out and consume me.

His thumbs flicked my buds, and they grew hard with every touch. Somehow, I find it hard to protest. Everything about the situation is wrong, yet it feels so viciously right. Everything about my carnal knowledge now seems like a lie. Memories started to flood my mind while the man continued his ministrations.

I remember when I was sixteen, and how I lost my innocence to a much experienced man. He is five years older than I am, and I almost believed that what I felt for him may have been the real thing. But on the night that we slept together, I feel so empty, so unfulfilled, and so begrudgingly displeased.

I lost my virginity to the boy who lives four blocks away from our house. His family is a friend of our family, and when I was studying abroad, he was also there for business.

Living in a different country, with a much more open, and a much more liberal mindset, I got curious, too curious for my own good. He came to visit me as a request from my parents. He stayed in the states for a month, and needless to say, things got a little heated between us. I can sense his attraction towards me, and I too was attracted to him. He is tall, and tan, and breathtakingly handsome. He's a man every girl would dream of. But each day, I found myself getting conflicted with my emotions. Something at the back of my head is screaming at me, telling me to look away. He isn't right for me it seems, and I have an awful knot in my stomach whenever I let him kiss me. I was exhaustingly disappointed all the time. I feel like there is something missing, something wrong about our relationship. It felt as if being with him means I'm treading into dangerous grounds, but I brushed it off. I liked him enough to dismiss that awful feeling. It was rueful of me, I was in a constant state of dread. The night that I gave myself to him, I was more than thwarted. Everything felt so wrong, and the warning bells ringing inside my head didn't help at all, but still, I stayed by his side, and I let him take me again. The moment I knew he was about to return to Seoul, was the moment I decided to end things with him. He became distant after that. I blame myself for everything. He was the perfect catch, the perfect man, but I just couldn't deal with staying with him, when I know he's slowly losing me in his grasp. I have no idea why I feel that way, not until today.

As the man on top of me leans in for another kiss, I slowly start to realize that he is the sole reason why things between my former lover and I didn't work out.

"I fucking own you."

His words keep ringing inside my head. How was it that every single word he spoke makes so much sense to me? I am baffled, I feel conflicted, but the moment his warm lips touch mine, I suddenly remember the painful truth.

Indeed, he is right, I do belong to him.

Back when I was merely twelve years old, when I was saying my goodbyes to him, he made me promise to return to him. I was a mere puppet, I couldn't even say no. He was too mesmerizingly beautiful to me. I don't have the heart to reject him. Maybe I do want to come back to him, in fact, I never wanted to leave his side. There's just something about him that draws me to him. It was a sick and wonderful feeling.

"Just say my name, and we'll seal the deal."

I remember how his grey eyes shone, like he was euphoric over the idea of me coming back to him. I was only a mere teenager, I was thirteen for Christ sake, but he did something that made my heart flutter, and my knees weak.

He kissed me.

I dare not say it, but he kissed me.

That was how we sealed the promise. The same promise that I have so easily forgotten.

It was only a light brush, a mere touch of one pair of lips to another, but it sent me into a frenzy. It was the most wonderful feeling ever, and I know, that that kiss is what bonded me to him. I remembered how he let me touch him for the very first time. He was so warm and inviting, so I hugged him, his giant build consuming my body. I feel that I was even more determined not to go, that I should just say his name right then and there, if only to be by his side forever. I want him to take me with him, yet he stopped me, even before I can form one single word.

"Don't Eunji. If you know what's good for you, then don't say my name, not when it isn't time."

I have no idea how he knew what I planned to do, it was like he can actually read my mind.

"You have to be wary of this. I don't want to lose myself, not with you."

That's what he said, and he sounds so pained. The next day I left for Seoul, I didn't even get to see him, but before I could go to the train station, I heard his voice and he sounded so sullen, like he was in a state of agony, I almost cried right then.

"Remember our promise Eunji. Remember me…"

I feel a huge lump in my throat that day. I wanted to go run to him, I almost did, but I was stopped when I suddenly saw petals blocking my view. The cherry blossom trees stand so tall and big, and petals were falling everywhere. I found myself mesmerized by them, not knowing why such a sight is taking place in front of me. It was unseasonal and wrong to see this happen, just like what happened when I first arrived here a few days ago. When I heard the train about to depart, I got a grip of myself, and hurriedly went inside, not knowing why I was feeling so down. I cried so hard that day, I let my tears fall freely, even though I have no idea why I'm even crying. Somehow, looking at the cherry blossoms made me forget entirely about him, like every memory about that man was erased from my brain, yet my heart remembers him. My heart remembers him so well.

"You remember now." He says, bringing me back to reality. He was no longer touching me, his eyes, slowly getting calm.

"I do." I whispered and the pale moonlight suddenly looked a little brighter, a lot livelier, making me see a fraction of his face. His nose looks so tall, and a shadow of a smile is plastered on his lips. It was mesmerizing, I was caught off guard.


His name rolls off my tongue. He was the reason everything felt so empty for me, because he is what I longed for all this time.

Suddenly, I witness how the dying embers of the fire inside his eyes set ablaze once more. It is much stronger than before, and I feel myself staring at the eyes of a different man, a stranger.

"Didn't I tell you never to speak my name?" He growls, he looks so angry, so enraged, I start to quiver in fear.

"You're gonna have to pay for the consequences."

He grabbed the side of my top and pulled me up from the bed. He feels so strong and I am merely just a weakling. He starts to tear the top away from my body, I see his tongue licking his sensual lips. I was too afraid to protest. The moment he pushes my body back to the bed, his hand spreads my legs apart, while another tugged at my underwear.

"No! Please don't!" I beg, tears pooling my eyes."

But he kept on with his actions, his big hands removing the garment. So here I am now feeling so naked and so exposed. His hands started to poke and pry every inch of my body, his eyes showed pure pleasure from doing the act.

"No! Stop it!"

I scream once again, hoping that someone might hear me and save me from him, and it makes him laugh at my weak attempt.

"No one's gonna hear you sweetheart." He chuckles darkly. "You can scream all you want," He hovers over me, his lips only an inch away from mine. "It'll only make things more exciting for me."

I suddenly feel his fingers against my sex, and it is so dangerously close to my entrance. I tried to fight him, but he was much too strong for me. So here I am lying helplessly on the bed, while his fingers are roughly entering my core.

"You little slut!" He grins. "You're so wet for me already."

He moves two fingers in a come-hither motion, then he slides them in and out of me. He is taking his sweet time, finding it amusing how my wetness is coating his long and slender fingers. But he didn't stop there, it's as if he isn't satisfied at all with this, adds another finger and brutally fucks me with them, it was more than I could take.

"Mmm fuck baby, your walls are griping me so tightly. I can tell this is gonna be one hell of a ride for you."

He groans as he continues with his ministrations. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter and I feel so ashamed knowing that my body is enjoying the violation that my tormentor is giving me.

"I don't want this." I sob as I lose control over my body. "Please, please stop this Sehun."

I can feel my walls getting tighter, and any moment now I will lose myself. My body has officially betrayed me. I've never felt so much passion before, given the fact that this is nowhere close to being passionate, but he is turning me on so bad, and I can tell that he knows, he knows me so well. He smirks at me and I see a spark of mischief behind those crimson eyes.

"You want me to stop?"

He asked tauntingly, and I was only too eager to plead with him. Sehun followed suit, he removed his fingers inside me and took his index finger inside his mouth. He sucks that finger in a manner so teasingly, that it has almost made me let out a moan of pleasure. It was scandalous, it was horrifyingly sexy, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

Soon after that, he started to remove his clothes, and I was too mortified to even look away. I can see the outline of his body, and how the moonlight shines on him. He looks so ethereal, I am at loss for words at how breathtaking the sight in front of me is. His pale skin looks so glorious in contrast to the dull light, and I found myself wanting to touch him. He looks so big and strong, and I know that thinking of a way out will only end up in failure.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled. I didn't even notice how he managed to take off all of his clothes in record time.

Sehun didn't give me a chance to answer back. He moved closer to me, with his hand stroking his sex, and an awful smirk plastered on his lips. Sehun proceeded to press the head of his meat against my clit, and very slowly, swirl it around the sensitive bud.


I couldn't help but moan at his advances. The head of his sex feels big, and I can feel some juices leaking from it, making it easier for him to move his cock against my clit. The sensation he is giving me only added to the fire. I know I was so close, so, so close.

Soon after that, he rubs his head at my entrance, reveling in the feeling of skin against skin, before he proceeds to enter me halfway, thrusting in a rough and agonizing manner. I can hear his grunts and moans of pleasure as my walls wrap tightly around his shaft. If I thought that my ex-boyfriend was big, then this guy is enormous.

He's too big, too thick and too much for me to handle.

I was in pain the entire time. All I wish for him to do is to leave me alone and never show himself to me ever again. But alas, he did neither of them. The man lunged towards me, and whispered against my lips.

"Hold on tight baby." He takes my hands, placing them above my head, his fingers intertwined with mine. "This is gonna one hell of a ride."

He bucked his hips powerfully, forcing another two inches of his thick shaft inside of my tight hole, and I almost fainted from the blow. I don't know how I can survive this. He keeps on going and going, pushing more of his length inside me, until I couldn't take anymore, until I finally break.

"I-I thought-" I sob from the pain. This feels worse than my first time. "I thought we were friends."

That made him stop.

But if I thought that he was finally done with me, he removed his grip on my hands and grabbed my chin in a rough manner, forcing me to look straight into his fiery red eyes.

"Friends?" He laughs hauntingly at me.

"We were never friends Eunji." He mocks. "You are no more than just a mere prize, a payment given to me in exchange for your family's lust for power."

I gasp as I try to take in the new information, but my mind can't seem to process them.

"I own you. From the very day you were born, I OWN YOU."

He growls, then he plunges his cock deep, deep inside me, only so he can withdraw it almost to the tip, and slam it back inside me again. I trash at his actions, trying my best to be free of him, but my efforts were futile.

"Fuck! Your pussy is so fucking tight." He moaned, his lips brushing against mine as he fucked me faster and faster, his movement never faltering.

"Ahhh! Stop! Please stop it Sehun!"

I scream, yet the more he thrusts his cock inside me, the more I feel the pain starting to disappear. I was starting to feel the pleasure sent by this scandalous act, and I was no more than a pawn, a victim of lust. As soon as I feel my walls getting tighter, Sehun lungs towards me and gives my lips a kiss. He was brutal and unforgiving. I can feel his teeth sinking in the soft flesh, and I gasp in pain when I smell the metallic scent of blood.

"Ohhh." I let out a weak moan.

He stopped kissing me, looking at me with a disgusting smirk on his face. I can see his lips are covered in my own blood, and he licks them off so tauntingly and closes his eyes in pure bliss.

Once again, he leaned in for another kiss, as his huge member kept on thrusting in and out of me. I was close, one more thrust and I know I will lose it. Suddenly he starts licking my bottom lip, where his teeth have marked the soft flesh. Sehun sucked on my bruised lip, drying me of blood. He keeps sucking the blood from my lips while his member keeps on plunging rapidly in and out of my pussy, pistoning me like a machine. The lewd sounds of skin on skin echoes inside the four corners of the room, and it feels so wet and inviting down there.

"Yes! That's right baby!" He lets go of my lips and starts suckling my neck.

"Cum for me you little slut!"

Just like every slave to its master, I followed through. It was like my body knows how to listen to him, and I came so hard, squeezing his long shaft against my already tight pussy.

"Aww fuck!" He lets out a long groan. "Can you feel that baby? Can you feel how your walls grip my cock so tightly?"

He moaned in pleasure, then he slowly started to move again.

"Fuck! It's so hard to move." He chuckles darkly. "Your pussy doesn't wanna let me go."

He roams his hands all over my body, moving towards my breasts. He squeezed them not-so-gently, and started to move in and out of me once again.

"No!" I scream. "I can't take anymore, please stop!"

I begged for him to stop again, but it only riled him up even more. He thrusted his member in and out, giving me both pleasure and pain, it was more than I can take. I can feel my lungs starting to lose air, and my surroundings started to look a little blurry.

"I can't get enough of you Eunji, fuck!"

He moans against my ear, and with another thrust, I start to see black, the sounds distant and faded. Blood rushed from my head, and darkness started to cloud my eyes. Slowly, I fall into a sleep like state, losing consciousness, while the man keeps on fucking my unconscious body. I fear that he might never want to stop his brutal ministrations.