His Mark

Trigger Warning: Non-consensual Sex, Violence.

I awoke to the feeling of wet lips moving against my neck and a long and thick shaft thrusting in and out of my wet core. Slowly, my eyes open and my vision comes in a blur. I can see an outline of something dark and big moving against my body, and I let out a moan of pleasure once I feel my walls clenching tightly.

"Wake up you little slut."

I hear him whisper against my neck. His voice is gruff and hoarse, and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Feel how your walls clench around my cock so tightly." He moans as he plunges his meat in and out of me.


I let out a moan, and he moves faster, his face now in front of mine.

"So, you're finally up." He grins. "Didn't know it'll take you three orgasms and thirty minutes of me fucking you before you wake up." He laughed and I was mortified.

I have never woken up like this before, and knowing that he didn't stop his ministrations while I was unconscious made me blush profusely. It was unheard of, it was so crude and disgusting, yet here I am, feeling so much pleasure from his every movement.

Slowly, his big calloused hands caressed my entire body, his hand groped my breasts and suckled it like a hungry babe. He rams his cock in and out of me roughly, making my toes curl from the blow. I can feel his sex getting bigger and bigger, the head of his shaft hitting me so deep inside. I can sense that he is near, that he is about to cum, so I did my best to get his body off me, but he is too strong for me to fight.

"Fuck! He groans, and then he bites one sensitive nipple and suckles it once more, repeating the act while moving from one nipple to another.

"You're so fucking tight! I just wanna fuck you all the time."

Sehun moves his cock in a circular motion, spreading my walls wider, and it sends me over the edge. I was close, so close, yet I refuse to be the victim of this. I trash and wiggle my body away, I tried to push him away, but his movement only gets faster and faster, like that of a beast who kept on ravishing his prey.

"Don't you fucking dare you bitch." He says, his voice laced with anger and lust. "Don't you dare move away from me!"

I watch as he moves up from the bed, his hands grabbing both of my thighs so tightly, while his thick cock is still deep inside me. He lifts my lower body, while he has his knee against the soft mattress. He plunges deep, deep inside, and I can feel my pussy throbbing from his rough ways. I'm so close, and when he feels my tightness wrapping around his big, fat member, I take it as a chance, and I immediately push him, letting me run away from his grasp, causing him to wake up from his high.

I run as fast as my frail body can take, taking the blanket with me, letting it wrap around my naked body. I was finally free of him. I feel so relieved. I can see the door, and I can almost taste my sweet freedom, but before I can reach it, his figure suddenly appears right in front of me. I felt a heavy feeling of dread and my face turned white.

I can see his naked body walking towards me. I can see how big and strong he looks. His hair was in a mess, and his face is slowly getting clear to me, but I refuse to look at his face, for the fire burning inside his eyes has made me tremble in fear.

"Please." I sob. "Please let me go."

I said in a pleading voice. I clutched the blanket to secure it from hiding my body, and my feet automatically took a few steps back.

He clicks his tongue in a taunting manner while he slowly walks towards me. I take a step back, while he takes two steps closer, and when I feel the concrete wall against my back, I almost screamed for dear life.

"I almost forgot how much you like playing games, Eunji." He says in a teasing manner, and when he is only an inch away from me, his hand reaches for a loose strand of my hair, and tucks it between my ears.

"This just made everything a lot more exciting for me." He smirks, and I was too stupid to even move a muscle.

Sehun hovers over me, his tall stature completely blocking my way out. He moves closer, and closer still, until I feel the tip of his nose against mine.

"If you don't want me to catch you," He whispers to me, "Then move those legs as fast as you can,"

His hot breath sends shivers down my spine, and when he smirks tauntingly at me, I almost lost it.

"Run," He whispered in a low and gruff voice. "Run as fast as you can, and don't you ever let me catch you."

I did as I was told. I pushed his body off me and ran away from him. I ran as fast as I could, yet the more distance there is between us, the more I can feel my feet getting heavier. No matter how much I tried my best to run away, something seems to be dragging me down. By now, my temples are thick with sweat, and I am breathing heavily, unable to move even a single muscle. I feel too weak to run away, I can't even salvage myself from him. When Sehun saw my body slumped on the floor, I heard him laughing behind me. I closed my eyes shut, silently waiting for his attack. Not a moment later, I felt his strong arms wrapping around my body, defeat written all over my face. Sehun carries me towards the bed, and once again I am pinned down against the mattress.

"This is gonna be so much fun, sweetheart." He says as he licks his lips sensually, and not a moment after that, he pries my legs open, and puts his head in the middle of my thighs.

"Let me taste your fucking cunt." He says, and I can feel his tongue licking my pussylips. He licks me up and down so sensually, like he was being so careful with me. I don't know why I feel like he is getting soft with his ways, but it does feel like it, and I am no more than a victim of lust. I can feel his sinful tongue lapping onto my sensitive clit, and how his hands open up my folds. Slowly, he enters me inside, his tongue moving in and out, tongue fucking me like there's no tomorrow.

"Oohh God!"

I moan, and it turned him on even more. He licks my walls all over, while his fingers rub my swollen clit. I started to see white, I felt my walls start to convulse, and with another thrust of his wet muscle, I came all over him.

"Ahhh! Sehun!"

I grab onto his hair, and it riles him up even more. He keeps fucking me with his tongue, while he laps my juices from my throbbing pussy. It was the very first time I've experienced such a feeling, and I was too embarrassed to admit that I did enjoy him eating me up.

" You taste so fucking good, sweetheart."

He says, then he turns my body around and slaps my ass with his hands.

"Get on all fours!" He commands, and at this point, I was too tired to even fight him.

"That's a good slut, Eunji." He groans. "That's a very, very good slut."

Sehun lets out an ominous, throaty chuckle as he forced me down, his prick plunging deep into my slick hole once more. He starts fucking me from behind, hammering me into the mattress. He holds my hair like reins, bucking his hips wildly, filling me to the brim with his cock. Sehun's grunts and lewd sounds of his thick shaft penetrating my swollen pussy can be heard inside the room. I sob at my faith. I feel so full down there, and I wish that he will be done and the over with, because I can no longer take him. He is just too big and too rough for me.

"I've waited so long to do this." He growled as he moved faster and faster, giving me no reprieve.

"Now that I got a taste of you, I'm never gonna let you go." He slams inside me faster and faster, he is so strong, and I grow weak with his every thrust.

"No." Tears started to fall on my cheeks. "You can't do this to me."

"Of course I can." He bends towards me, his lips now against my ear.

"I fucking own you."

Sehun then hammers his entire length deep into my depths savagely, and back out over and over again like a machine. The powerful penetration continues for a few more minutes, until I start to feel my walls clenching around his member once again, and with another thrust, I cum so hard against his moving shaft, while the male basks in the feeling of my tightness, his every movement not faltering.

"Slow down." I beg as he keeps pistoning me with his cock.

"Please slow down Sehun." My hands clutches against the fabric of the mattress, while I bite my lip trying so hard not to scream in both pain and pleasure.

"Ahhh fuck!" He groans as his hands grips my ass tightly. Sehun keeps moving faster, and faster still, until I can feel a warm liquid leaking inside me.

"No!" I trash around, trying so hard to move away.

"OOHHH FUCK YES!" He moans in pure bliss, his hands now grabbing onto my shoulders.

"No please! Don't cum inside me!" I beg him once more, but it was too late, for he keeps on thrusting his cock all the way inside me while he releases his thick and creamy cum deep inside my swollen pussy.

"Take it!" He thrusts his cock once more, making me whimper at his rough ways. His cock pushes thick ropes of sperm, shooting from his cock head, almost directly onto my cervix. I feel so full with cum.

"Take all of my cum!" He growls, then he swirls my body around, and kisses me full on the lips. I stay still, and let out a moan of relief when I feel him removing his shaft from my pussy.

"You did well sweetheart." He whispers against my lips, while his hands run through my dark locks.

I can feel my lids heavy with sleep, and my body aching from the activity. I failed to see how his eyes turned a shade lighter, giving it a soft shade of grey, or how his hands softly caressed my face, for I, once again, was engulfed by the darkness. I am too weak and too tired to stay conscious, my body can only take so much.

"Sleep well Eunji."

I hear his husky voice speak.

"You'll be needing the energy for the days to come."

And with that, I fall back into slumber, while the man wraps my naked body with the blanket. Unbeknownst to me, he stayed there the entire time, watching me closely, kissing the bruises from my body. He stayed there until the sun started to rise. The moment I woke up, I felt so bone tired and weak. I stayed the entire day inside my room, while my grandmother went to the appointment she's got with her doctor. No one knew about what happened to me, of how I was assaulted the night before. No one seems to be wary of the mysterious man that lurks in the shadows. Only I can see him, only I know him, and only I will get to experience the torment of his savage ways. I was so scared for my life. I thought he was my friend, I thought he was someone I can count on, yet here I am lying in bed, my body filled with the evidence of his violent ways, and when night fell, I saw his figure again. With his brooding eyes staring straight into mine, I gasp in horror. I want to run away, but I know that running away is futile, it was a useless attempt, and when he sat down on the bed beside me, his lips tilted to the side, his face smug as fuck, I pray for my dear life.

"Are you ready for another round?"

He asks, and I can only close my eyes and cry.