Chapter 65: Arriving at ...

[Defender - Cockpit]

I am now in the cockpit of the Defender and I flew the Defender out of the Hangar and into space.

Once in space, I turned my chair to the hologram map, and started searching south of the Rishi Maze satellite galaxy until I reached an extragalactic star system. I zoomed in on the extragalactic star system until I found a blue aquatic planet.

I pressed on the planet on the hologram map and engaged the autopilot system. Once I engaged autopilot, the Defender went into hyperdrive heading towards the aquatic planet far far away.

[One day until arrival] stated the ship's computer's AI

I went into my Captain Quarters and started mediating to gain some experience points so I can level up faster.

-24 hours later-

[We are arriving at the designated destination] stated the computer's AI

I opened my eyes from mediation.

[24 Hours of Mediation achieved - gained 2400 XP]

[53,200 / 350,000 XP]

I went back into the cockpit and I can see a big blue aquatic planet which looks just like the image on the star map hologram. The aquatic planet was shrouded with storm clouds.

"So this is Kamino." I said "It is a beautiful blue planet."

[Autopilot has been disengaged] said the ship's AI [Please take control of the ship]

I sat down in the pilot's seat and took control of the Defender and piloted it down towards Kamino.

I typed in the Tipoca City into the star map hologram to search for the city on the map, and soon the star map hologram found the city, and I then piloted towards the city.

After 14 minutes, I was arriving at Tipoca City, the capital city of Kamino. I gazed at the city which was a network of stilt structures. I soon found a landing platform and landed the Defender on it.

The Defender landed, and outside of the Defender was heavy rain and hard-driving winds lashing at the platform. The huge, ultra-modern city of Tipoca rests on great stilts that keep it above the pounding and ever-present waves that cover the surface of this aquatic world.

I walked down the Defender's loading ramp, once out of the side, and I walk through the howling wind, towards a tower on the far side of the landing platform. As I approach the door leading into the tower, it slides open. A shaft of brilliant light pierces the swirling rain. I continued to walk forward and through the door, and I am now inside the tower.

The door closes behind me, and I took off my soaking wet hood from my head.

"Master Jedi, so good to see you." said Taun We, a tall, pasty-white Kaminoan with large almonds shaped eyes.

"The Prime Minister wasn't expecting your visit." said Taun We

"That's ok." I said "I came here suddenly because I have some important things I need to discuss with the Prime Minister."

"Of course!" said Taun We "Once he heard of your arrival, he is kind of anxious and curious to meet you since your order was just made 5 months ago and he is wasn't expecting your sudden visit."

"Ok" I said

"May I take your wet cloak?" said Taun We "I can have someone dry it for you."

"Thank you for your generosity." I said

"AZI-91, take the Master Jedi's cloak and have it dried for him." said Taun We to a medical droid next to her.

"Yes, Ms. We" said AZI-91

I unhooked my soaking wet cloak from my shoulders and handed it to AZI-91, who then takes off with it and disappears down a corridor

"Now please, this way!" said Taun We who walks down another corridor

I follow Taun We through the corridors of Tipoca City and we arrive at the Prime Minister's office..

The door into the Prime Minister's office slides open. Taun We and I enter. In the center of the room, Prime Minister Lama Su who was sitting, stands up from his chair like all the furniture on Kamino, seems to be made out of purelight.

When Prime Minister Lama Su sees me, he has a smile on his face.

"May I present Lama Su, Prime Minister of Kamino..." said Taun We "and this is Master Jedi..."

"You can call me Jerid." I said

"Master Jedi Jerid" said Taun We

Prime Minister Lama Su indicates a chair opposite of him. I went over to the chair and sat down. Taun We stood next to me and hovers over me. I looked around the room which was bathed in brilliant white light. The whole place is so ultra high-tech and beauitful.

'This place look so much better in personal then looking at it from the movie.' I thought

"I trust you are going to enjoy your stay." said Prime Minister Lama Su "We are most happy you have arrived at the best part of the season on Kamino."

"You make me feel most welcome and I am very honored to be here." I said "You are a very courteous host."

"Thank you very much for your compliment" said Prime Minister Lama Su "And now down to business. You will be delighted to hear we are on schedule. We have finished designing the inhibitor chips that was requested of us and we have also finished writing all of the Protocols and Orders for the chips as well."

"That is good news but I have a few things I would like to change for the Orders." I said "Also what about the gentic template, have you found someone to use yet?"

"I am sorry to say that we still haven't found a suitable specimen to use as the genetic template." said Prime Minister Lama Su "We are having a hard time finding a suitable specimen but we are still searching for a suitable specimen as we speak and we believe we will find one soon, and we will still be on schedule for a million clone troopers for the Republic. So if you could please tell your Master Sifo-Dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met on time and in full. He is doing well, I hope."

"He is well" I said

"That is good to hear." said Lama Su "So, if I may ask, what brings your sudden visit?"

"I am here to help you find a suitable specimen to use as the genetic template for the Republic's clone army." I said

"That is wonderful news, do tell. Who do you have in mind?" asked Prime Minister Lama Su

"The person I have in mind is Jango Fett." I said

"Who is this Jango Fett?" asked Prime Minister Lama Su

"Jango Fett is a Mandalorian human bounty hunter. He is also known as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy." I said "Since he is a Mandalorian, he is proficient in marksmanship as well as unarmed combat and thanks to his career as a bounty hunter, he is quick-witted. Since Mandalorians are known as the greatest warriors next to the Jedi, and with their large martial history, I believe using a Mandalorian as the genetic template is a perfect idea. "

"Hmmm, Mandalorians. You are right, a clone army made from Mandalorian DNA, DNA from a race of legendary warriors is an ingenious idea." said Prime Minister Lama Su with a smile. "But why use this Jango Fett as the clone template?"

"Jango Fett is the perfect person to use as the genetic template for the clone army since he is a Mandalorian and he is a man who will be willing to do anything you want for the right price." I said "And their is also his reputation and history as the greatest bounty hunter in the entire galaxy. Also with his vast knowledge and combat experience, we can have him design the training regime for the clone army as well."

"If he is known as the greatest in the entire galaxy then he is probably the perfect fit as the genetic template." said Prime Minister Lama Su "So, do you know where can we find this Jango Fett?"

"In fact, I might do." I said "Jango Fett should be on one of the Moons of Bogden but I don't know if he has left the Moons of Bogden, so if you can't find him there, then you can try to contact him through the Bounty Hunter Guild."

"I will send someone to the Moons of Bogden to find him, and at the same time I will also send someone to the Bounty Hunter's Guild to request an audience with him." said Prime Minister Lama Su

"That's good." I said

"So, will you be staying on Kamino for the night?" asked Prime Minister Lama Su. "I would love to give you a tour of our facilities and city."

"I would love that." I said smiling behind my mask.

"That is wonderful, I will have Tuan We escort you to an available quarters for you to stay so you can freshen up, then we can have dinner together and after dinner, Taun We can give you a tour of our lovely city and facilities." said Prime Minister Lama Su

TITLE: Arriving at Kamino