Grandma's wish-II

" After studying the records, I can say that the risk factor of this surgery is 50%"

Before anyone could say anything Qing shan asked " Any other option?"

when the doctor sighed and bowed his head everyone knew the surgery was the only way out.

" If I don't do the surgery how much time do I have and if I do the surgery and recovers how much time will I have?" Asked old lady qing.

" If the surgery goes well your life span can be around 10 more years depending on your current condition. But... "the doctor paused and was looking at Qing Shan.

"But what doctor? " Asked father Qing

" But.... if you don't go for surgery... Probably.. a month at the most or maximum two months your body will be able to support you"

" How can you say that doctor?" roared father qing and grabbed the collar of the doctor.

Qing shan immediately caught hold of his father and apologized to the doctor.


" How much time do I have before going for the surgery?" Asked old lady Qing.

" It will be better to do it soon but it can not be delayed for more than 3 weeks. The more it will be delayed the lower will be the chances of the surgery succeeding. "After informing this the doctor asked them to inform him of their decision within two days and kept old lady qing in observation for 24 hours after which she will be discharged.

After the doctor left old lady qing asked everyone to wait outside for five minutes except old man qing. After everyone went outside mother qing was consoling father qing while qing shan was standing against the wall staring towards the ward.

After some time old man qing called everyone inside and spoke while looking at Qing Shan

" Your grandma thinks that its high time for you to get married, you are 28 and have already set your foothold in the business industry and are successful as well. Because you don't have a girlfriend or any person that you like, you can go on blind dates and find the most suitable girl to spend your life with"

" I will do as you say grandma." answered qing shan

" There's a girl I liked but when she turned 18 a couple of months I heard she was already engaged. I used to think that you both could be a good match... but seems you aren't destined. So we will " Hearing old lady Qing old man qing started thinking about the girl his wife desired for her grandson. But he didn't remember her talking anything about it ever... Suddenly remembering something he interrupted

" By any chance are you talking about your best friend's granddaughter?

What was his AAHHHH GARY. Yes, are you talking about Gary's granddaughter?"

When old lady Qing nodded old man smiled widely and said

" Honey, It seems your wish is about to come true. I heard that her engagement is going to be called off and the news will be publically announced today. Actually, I met her quite a few times and even I had the same thoughts as you"

Looking at Qing Shan old lady Qing told him that she would be really happy if he could marry her but it's his life and he has the right to decide hence he can decide and let them know. After that, the old man also announced that they would go for surgery after 20 days and it was the old lady's wish to see Qing shan getting married before going for the surgery.

Qing Shan expected his grandparent's choice of surgery but his grandma's wish was something that startled him.

"Grandma, the girl who can satisfy you would be one in million. So I agree to get married to her. You can ask parents to speak to her family and I myself will speak to her about marriage. If the thought of her getting married could make you this happy I wonder the happiness that you will feel after the actual marriage."

After some more discussion, everyone went back while old lady Qing murmured " I would like to see the happiness that you will feel after getting married to her." and dozed off.