Father-son talk

After the Su family left, the atmosphere was not happy in the Zhi family either.

Before Zhi Ruo could speak up, Mr. Zhi asked everyone to have breakfast considering everyone might be hungry.

Usually, the eldest son would not be at the breakfast table, also father Zhi would go to the company early morning, only leaving mother Zhi and ruoruo to have breakfast together. Even though today all the family members were present the atmosphere at the table was awkward. Zhi Ruo was happy that her family stood up for her but she was also conflicted about the fact that it would cause problems for her father. Even though no one blamed her she could see the tension on her father's face. Looking at her brother she found his expression a little happy. Thinking how can a brother be happy when his sister's engagement broke ruoruo felt weird.

She decided to ask him later about his thoughts. While she was thinking father Zhi finished his breakfast and asked Zhi Xin to follow him to study. Before going upstairs he also mentioned mother Zhi and ruoruo to join them after breakfast.

Looking at father Zhi's back, mother Zhi sighed.

In the study room:

Father Zhi was sitting on the chair looking at a photo frame that had a child's picture wrapped in a pink fluffy blanket. While Zhi Xin was standing in front of him.

"You don't look happy about the arrangement father?"

Looking at father Zhi's conflicted face Zhi Xin asked.

" If you are thinking about business then I think it's time to inform you that I, Zhi Xin have the ability to inject double the amount of funds that are withdrawn by Su family. " Zhi Xin added.

Raising his head father Zhi looked towards Zhi Xin and smiled in mockery,

" I knew that we had opinion differences, but I never thought that I am such a worthless father in your eyes. Do you think this business is more precious to me than ruoruo."

Even though Zhi Xin knew that it was an undeniable fact that ruoruo was most important to father Zhi even more than his own life and that was the same for himself as well.

Looking at Zhi Xin not speaking father Zhi added:

" Do you think my daughter is a burden for me and that is the reason I want to get her married as soon as possible?

Do you think, I don't know that you have almost died while protecting ruoruo 5 years ago?

Do you think I am a coward because I don't have the ability to fight back? "

Hearing father Zhi asking these questions, Zhi Xin was speechless because it was precisely what he thought. He thought he was able to understand his father Zhi's actions and his decisions. When Zhi Xin looked into father Zhi's eyes, he was able to see the fire burning within. Those eyes held so much pain.

When Zhi Xin didn't answer father Zhi continued :

"If I become the most powerful and stand at the top of power circle I will be able to protect the person I want to protect. This is what I thought when I was young and this is precisely the reason that I lost someone who I wanted to protect.

Be careful, my child because the path that you are walking now will make you repeat history."