

What is the difference?

Dont we consider fascination/ attraction as another stage of love or similar to love?


Is it really the same????


Theres a small difference...

When you love someone,

you want to give all happiness to thet person


When you are fascinated with someone ,

you want yourself to be happy with that person...

Isn't it truth???

Love revolves around the other person,

whereas fascination revolves around only ourselves .....

Think about it......]

In the evening secretary Han received a call from the Qing mansion asking about Qing Shan's schedule. When he informed that president Qing had no other arrangements in the evening he was asked to send him to the Qing mansion for dinner. Wondering why he was called home ,Qing Shan got little tensed, as this was first time that the call was directed to his secretary instead of himself.

It was 8 pm in the evening when Qing Shan arrived in Qing's mansion. When he entered the mansion he was asked to visit his grandmom in her room. Entering the room Qing shan greeted his grandmother who was lying on bed staring in space. Hearing Qing Shan she smiled and asked him to sit besides her and herself sat on the bed.

Caressing Qing Shan's face she spoke in an emotional tone

"You have always been the most brave, understanding and courageous person dear. You took over the company when you were fifteen, you took over your grandfather's position when you were 20. Sometimes I feel we arer the reason that you were unable to enjoy your childhood, have a normal life. We......"

Interrupting his grandmother Qing Shan spoke while kissing on the back of his grandmother's hand "Whatever I have done were always my wishes, my decisions so you shouldnt blame yourself grandma. I am happy and have never regretted any decisions that I have made"

Nodding her head Grandma Qing added

" You are our pride. Today I have called you to ask for a favour. Whatever we talk from now should stay between you and me. No one else should know this ever."

Qing Shan nodded and waited for his grandma to continue

"First- Stop trying to find about Zhi family, even if you use all of your resources you cannot find it. You just need to trust me. They will never harm you, you can blindly trust on Mr. Zhi and Zhi ruo.

Second- Have a child before your wife turns twenty.

third- (Passing him a fat book and a small box ) This is my gift to your wife pass it to her. "

Later at night Qing Shan had dinner with the Qing family and left for his house.

Late at night in Qing Shan's study room,

Sitting on the chair he wsa deeply looking at the book and the locked box while remembering

** Qing shan- You told me to believe Zhi ruo and Mr. Zhi. What about Mrs Zhi and Zhi Xin ?

Grandma- That you have to decide yourself.

Qing Shan- You mean they are danger?

Grandma- Dont think too much, Some answers only time can tell

Qingshan- How can I force her for a child?

Grandma- Her father will pave a way for your and her relationship. You just need to follow.

Qing Shan- Why before twenty?

Grandma- Some answers only time can tell....

Qing Shan- You gave me the locked box but where is its key?

Grandma- When needed the owner will be able to find it...

Qing Shan- You say this gift is for my wife, why don't you yourself give it to her?

Grandma- Its not the right time yet and considering the situation she dosent need them now.

Qing Shan- How will I know when she will need it?

Grandma- (Smiling) Time my child....Time will answer all your questions.

But remember.... This book..... should not reach anyone's hands..... Only Zhi ruo...

No one else..........**

Thinking about this things slowly darkness enveloped his vision and he was swept to the dream land....