Family meeting

In the car while Father Qing was returning to the Qing mansion he was constantly trying to figure out what would be written in the envelope taht can make Mr. Zhi react so quickly. The person who was not moved by power, money, status, looks of my only son, Qing familys inheritance was simply moved within a minute just because of a piece of paper..... How can that be possible...

Removing the envelope from his coat pocket Father Qing was about to open it when he remembered that when his mother handed him the envolepe she told him strictly that this envelope should be only and only opened and seen by Mr. Zhi and no one else. Not only that she was also very particular about bringing the paper and the envelope back without fail.

Father Qing still vividly remembered the expression that Mr. Zhi had on his face after just looking at the envelope. What was so special about it that can change a no to a yes within seconds.

In grandmother Qing's room,

Father Qing handed the envelope to Grandma Qing and asked her how she was sure that Mr. Zhi will surely deny the request and this envelope was the only way to make him accept the proposal. Also what was written on the paper that can make him change his decisions. I don't think you or anyone of Qing family ever had any intersection with the Zhi family. Infact the Zhi family just shifted in Beijing fifteen years ago.

Placing the envelope below her pillow Grandma Qing answered Father Qing:

You were not such a busybody earlier?

My dear Son, You know what kills the cat?


Understanding what his mother was hinting at Father Qing apologized.

Patting his son's back Grandma Qing asked him to forget about this matter and get ready to visit the Zhi house.

Late in the evening just half an hour after Mr. Zhi reached home, the Qing Family arrived. All the members of Qing family except Qing Shan was present. Welcoming the Qing family Mother Zhi offered them some drinks and snacks while talking about some basic topics.

After some time, Zhi Xin also joined father anfd mother Zhi. When Grandma Qing poked grandpa Qing he informed everyone that the Qing family was there with a proposal of Zhi Ruo and Qing Shan's marriage which was already spoken to father Zhi. Looking towards Mother Zhi, Mother Qing grabbed her hands and assuired her that she will try to make Zhi ruo comfortable in their house and also like every other couple if they wants to stay seperately from the family, their family will not stop them.

Looking at Zhi Xin, Father Zhi cleared his throat and informed that he was fine with the proposal and if no one from any family had any problems thay can meet Zhi Ruo and then if both the childrens are fine as well with the arrangement then they can go ahead with the rest things.

After a brief silence just when everyone thought that no one had a problem Zhi Xin spoke up,

"Why did president Qing not come along?'