Old age home

On the same night when Qing family visited the Zhi family, Zhi ruo got a text message which stated that the message was sent by Qing Shan and they should decide to meet and speak to each other.

Thinking for some time Zhi ruo replied by asking if he was awake, if yes thay can talk on call and plan on meeting.

When she didnt receive a reply within ten nimutes after sending the message she thought that the person on the other side would have slept and decided to sleep as well.

But just as she was about to turn off the lights and lie down her cell phone started ringing. Looking at unsaved number she reluctantly picked up the call and asked with uncertainity who was calling.

"Hello, I assume that I am speaking to Miss. Zhi ruo this is Qing Shan calling. Did I disturb you?" Came a voice from the other end.

"Oh, Hello Mr.Qing. No you didn't disturb me."

After a brief silence Qing shan spoke

"I guess my family met you today. I was wondering if we should meet as well?"

"Mmmmmm, Yes we should... Is it possible to meet tomorrow afternoon? I have some things to discuss with you." Zhi ruo asked awkwardly. Even though she was dating Su Ye since a long time but they knew each other even before they knew the concept of love hence she never felt awkward around him. But suddenly asking an unknown man to meet and discuss, it was a little too embarassing for Zhi ruo.

When Qing Shan accepted the idea of meeting, Zhi ruo asked him to choose the place and time considering that he would be busy and might be used to going to only specific places.

Early in the morning when Zhi ruo got up there was already a good morning greeting and another text message with the time and location to meet.

Looking at the watch she thought she would be able to reach on time if she leaves within half hour. She had to meet Qing Shan at around 1 pm for lunch at Red sweet restaurant. Eevn though leaving at 9 am is a little early but she needs to visit another place before doing so.

Getting fresh Zhi ruo wore a simple yellow crop top complemented by shorts. She tied her hairs in a high pony tail which swayed side to side as she walked down the stairs and white sneakers. Though she was not short but she was also not super tall, when compared to Zhi Xin she only reaches his shoulders which allows him to constantly bully her by resting his hands on her head.

After having breakfast Zhi ruo informed Mother Zhi that she will be heading out and would be meeting Qing Shan in afternoon for lunch. Heading out she sat in the car and texted an unknown number that she will be reaching within 30 minutes. Asking the driver to drop her at XXX place Zhi ruo started playing games. XXX was a old age home where old people abandoned by their childrens live and work to make living for themselves. No one knew who built it or who was the sponsor but Zhi ruo discovered it when she was going to the creamatory to meet her mother and they lost road. Usually sahe would spend more than a day over at the place but today she had to go back to meet Qing shan which would take an hour's drive so she decided to ask the driver to pick her up after two and half hours at the same place. When the driver asked if he could wait outside and not go back and forth Zhi ruo made sure to send him away. She cannot let him stay here.