Loud noise

Quickly getting up and sitting facing Zhi ruo Qing Shan asked her to speak....

While Zhi ruo was framing her words to make them sound reasonable, and Qing Shan was waiting for his wife to speak something.

A loud bang occured with the sound of too many glass pieces breaking.

Both of them were startled wondering what could have happened for such a big sound to be appear.

"You locked all the doors and windows, right?" Getting up from the bed, Zhi ruo ran towards the door and stood besides the door with her back stick to the wall and started peeking outside to chcek for any intruders....

Looking at his wife all alert, and ready to attack Qing Shan simply got up from the bed and started walking towards the living room without any fear.

Fearing Zhi ruo caught his hand and asked him to be careful, what if there was someone dangerous?

This question was pretty easy to be dismissed because no one can enter his house except his permission. But, will he tell his wife, who was so scared about him that she caught his arm so tightly and attached herself to his body, for him to not move forward.....

Ofcourse not....

Though he felt like smiling but he still maintained a poker face and started moving in the house to search for the source of sound slowly, like his wife told him to.

Even after looking all around the living room,study, guest room and balcony they were unable to find any abnormalities. Now the only place remained was kitchen...

Quickly picking up the fruit knife kept on the dining table Zhi ruo stood in the position that was *ready to attack*

Looking at Zhi ruo like this, Qing shan really felt lacking. As a husband he was really unqualified. His wife's postures were not rookie, they were like a pro....And he had no idea about this.....

Sighing he moved ahead and turned on the lights of the kitchen, what they saw next will be surely a sight to remember for their rest of their life, or surely for Qing Shan. Looking at the utter mess in the kitchen, the knife from Zhi ruo's hand fell down with a *plop* sound.

In the kitchen,

The dish washer was burst opened, with many dishes broken and lying on the ground, some pieces were on the platform.....

But apart from that there was a good amount of soap lather covering the floor.

"Aishhhhh, Wifeyyy......care to explain?" Smiling awkwardly which was even worse then crying Qing Shan asked Zhi ruo.

Looking at the mess in the kitchen, Zhi ruo knew she did something wrong.

The simple and elegant kitchen wsa now nowhere to be seen...Everything was beautifully covered with white foggy lather....

"I....I just...kept the dishes...and....." Zhi ruo spoke while thinking where she went wrong

"And?" asked Qing shan when Zhi ruo stopped speaking...

"And...added soap.....YES....I did nothing....Yes ...Nothing else....." Before she could rejoice in her delusion of not doing anything wrong Qing Shan asked her another question....

"How much soap did you add wifeyyyy?"