Security breach

Generally Zhi Ruo was able to crack any system within 30 seconds but for this system she was taking a lot of time.

Not understanding why, because when she checked, the system looked just a high end version and not complicated as well...

As she kept on thinking why her codes were taking soo much time, suddenly a thought striked her mind and she prepared another code and tried it quickly. It worked.....

'Oh.... So it just keeps you hooked while trying to break it while it will keep on attacking you in the background. If it would have been another rookie hacker, he might have kept on trying till end but before he could understand the situation the algorithm would have been already spread through his system causing it to crash forever....

Must say, its pretty hideous.....' thought Zhi ruo

Quickly mirroring the picture of moon at night, on the monitoring screen, Zhi Ruo exited the portal of Qing's security.

While on the other side,