Chamomile tea

When Qing Shan came back into his room, Zhi Ruo was no where to be seen...instead what he could see was a big ball wrapped with duvet, who was constantly shaking her head every few seconds. He was unable to understand, is she the same girl who he gave a forced lift on that night.... She seemed so rational and smart, not that she is dumb now, but surely irrational......

Smiling on his wife's cuteness, he went ahead and pulled the duvet away from her.

Suddenly her cover was blown up, looking around herself, now she could see everything around herself while she was embraced in darkness a while ago, and the duvet, the duvet was handing in the air...."What are you doing?" asked Zhi Ruo

Her back was facing towards Qing Shan while her hands that were near her ears to cover sounds now have moved to cover her face.

Tossing the quilt aside, Qing Shan came closer to her and spoke in her ears with a soft voice

"You really want to know?"