You have to die

Wiping his hands with a clean cloth, the boss spoke,"I have stopped fighting physically, now I fight mentally, Then, I used to fight head on, Now I fight behind the scenes. So dear brother, your provocation will not help you today."

Sitting down on the chair with his one leg folded on top of other leg, the boss added while smiling at Qing Shan,"I was thinking what gift should I give on my dear brother's marriage, see I got such beautiful gift. It's a pity that I didn't get to see sister in law.....but no worries....

*Sigh* after your death she will be considered as a ....."

"Enough" shouted Qing Shan with red eyes and heavy breathing.

Laughing manically the boss spoke, "Oh oh....look the younger brother is angry....

(raising his both hands in air like surrender) okay, I will not talk about her, instead do it after you are dead, that shouldn't anger you right...oh yeah will it anger would be already dead by then.... hahaha ......stupid me "