
Parking the car back at its place Zhi Ruo asked Qing Shan if he can walk before getting out of the car.

Qing Shan nodded.

Entering the door Qing Shan was about to sit on the couch for some time to calm down. Before he could do so, Zhi Ruo asked him to get fresh so she could treat his wounds.

"Lets call a doctor." said Qing shan while walking towards the bathroom

"Go ahead, I have already prepared everything that you might need" saying Zhi Ruo left to her personalized study room.

Inside the study,

Zhi Ruo punched in the pass-code for her cupboard and opened it.

If someone sees it, they will realize that everything in this study room just looked simple but beyond that simplicity was something extraordinary.

Opening the cabinet, what was visible was, psychology books that a student like Zhi Ruo should have. They were actually the books that she had used throughout her graduate degree.