I need a shower

Nodding his head in a dramatic way Qing Shan waited for her next reaction. He was already having a pretty hard time controlling himself last night, on top of that he was seduced by his wife's beautiful face and her little mischievousness early in the morning. On top of that her cute reactions were not helping him at all.

Hearing his answer Zhi Ruo's eyes widened, she thought, 'Was he awake the whole time? or did he just woke up in the middle?'

"Since when?" asked Zhi Ruo to clear her doubts

Moving closer to Zhi Ruo, Qing Shan helped her to sort out her messy clothes which were showing him her bare shoulders and a little bit of cleavage as well and fixed her hairs while Smiling and said,"Since you opened your eyes, wifeyyyy"