No injuries

Guiding both Zhi Ruo and Qing Shan to his lab, SUGAR spoke, "Ofcourse, this might be the first time that the almighty SMOKE had asked favor outside the missions."

Taking them inside the lab SUGAR asked Zhi Ruo to open her blindfold while he started examining Qing Shan.

Qing Shan was bought out by SUGAR. Noticing that the examination had finished Zhi Ruo quickly asked him if there were any problems?

Passing a series of papers to her SUGAR spoke, "He wasn't injured badly to begin with, and the medicine has already cured the minor ones. There is no sequelae and he was probably not been hit on his head. I would suggest to keep rubbing the ointment for a couple of days and give him the NO-24 for three times a day. Rest he should be all fine."

"Okay, We will leave." saying Zhi Ruo tied the blindfold back to her eye and waited for SUGAR to guide them back to the door.

Inside the car, Zhi Ruo helped Qing Shan again and started driving.