Blue eyes

After Grandma Qing calmed down Qing Shan spoke, " Her eyes, they are normally black, but at that time, they were not black..... They were ... they were something.... like..... something like blue...."

Hearing what Qing Shan mentioned, all the blood drained out of grandma Qing's face and her body became limp. Holding Qing Shan's hand she supported herself and repeated, "Blue eyes."

Looking at his grandmother's reaction Qing Shan knew that there is something that is still uncovered, to control the situation he thought of saying that he might have seen something wrong.

"I think, I might have seen wrong." added Qing Shan in a straight tone

"Did you tell any of these to Zhi Ruo?" asked grandma with a scared expression.

Qing Shan shook his head

"Shan'er, don't tell her yet. Okay. And don't discuss this with anyone else?" warned grandma Qing while patting his shoulder with her weak hands