Wife slave

Hearing what Qing Shan said and understanding specifically what bothered him Zhi Ruo felt like laughing out loud.

Conttrolling her expressions and making a sad face Zhi Ruo dejectedly spoke, "But I wanted to wear this. I always had dream of myself going to work in this clothes since I was a kid. But.....(with tears in her eyes) if you don't want me to wear this, I will not wear them again."

Zhi Ruo sucked her nose while turning back and leaving to change into home clothes.

Pulling her back and hugging her, Qing Shan quickly apologized and said, "Sorry, I over reacted. you can wear what you like. I shouldn't push my thoughts on you."

Looking in his eyes Zhi Ruo thanked him before leaving to get changed.

'What happened to you Qing Shan, you were the one who did not wanted her to wear those clothes, yet when she accepted your thoughts, you were guilty. Am I going mad?'thought Qing Shan before going to freshen up while scratching his head.