Dark souls

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Taking a deep breath to calm her raging heart down,Zhi Ruo closed her eyes and cleared her mind of all the unnecessary thought's while focusing only on one thought which was to bring Zhi Xin back alive unscathed.

Getting up from the bed, Zhi Ruo was leaving the room to go back to her personal study room when she saw Qing Shan standing on the door with his body leaning comfortably on the wall, while folding his hand's on his chest and a mysterious smile on his lip's .

Giving him a glance, she went ahead without speaking anything.At this time the only thing in Zhi Ruo's mind was Zhi Xin and her mission of saving him.

"My wife seems to solve some interesting problems" murmured Qing Shan while smiling lightly and entered the bedroom.