Smoke, please come back....


Turing around, everyone only saw the height, that the water had risen.

"SMOKE" Shouted Red while running towards the sea.

Getting out of his shock Fire quickly caught her by her arms, before she would actually jump in it.

Everyone's eyes turned misty while Red started crying out loudly, blaming everyone for leaving her alone.

"How can you do that? Why.....wuwu...why did you leave her alone?"shouted Red while punching Fire continuously.

Falling down on his knees, Sugar kept looking at the sea without blinking as if the moment he blinks, the chances of Smoke coming back would disappear.

Releasing herself from Fire's arms, red ran towards Sugar. Holding his shoulder's she shouted, "Sugar, you say, you are a doctor, right?"

Without waiting for Sugar's answer Red started dragging him towards the sea while saying, "You are an exceptional doctor. I know you will treat Smoke. Let's go we will find her and then you treat her."