Ruthless Zhi Ruo-I

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The presence of an intruder in their territory had already increased the anger of the the bald man. In addition the explanation and foolish stuff spoken by the young man had angered him even more. Turning to him the bald man was almost ready to punch him fiercely when a smooth, low voice greeted their ear's.

"You are right, I am here to kill you. About retribution... you can think it that way as well. But, I am surely not a ghost."

Everyone looked at the person standing at the exit door. Zhi Ruo was standing with her back against the door. With one leg bent at the knee, the feet resting on the wall. Slowly turning her head, she gave everyone the same creepy smile which was enough to bring chills at their spine.

Zhi Ruo's strong presence had even astonished the senior person and the bald man. Both were busy wondering, where did this this person come from to be so calm while standing alone against them.