Crying team

As soon as both of them were bought on board, everyone grabbed Smoke into a bear hug and started crying openly. It was as if they had to vent their tears which were accumulated since year's and had got the chance to openly do it. For a good amount of time the only voice audible in the helicopter was of crying and sucking up the tears.

Smoke knew how much her team valued her and how much cohesiveness they had with each other. Hugging them back she waited for each one of them to calm down.

At last when no one was moving even after quite a few moment's have passed she spoke up, "I am back now. There is no need to cry so much. We might soon have to change the name of our group into Crying souls if this keeps going."

Everyone laughed mildly before going back to their places.

"Are you fine?"asked Fire noticing that her body language was a little uncomfortable.