Are You Sure ?

"I want to meet you."Said Zhi Ruo on the call while demanding to meet the other person. Her tone at present was soft, humble and gentle yet she was able to show her authority and determination.

"Yes, its been a long time." answered the person on the other end, the voice expressed longing and satisfaction. It would not be wrong to say that the person on the other end had already expected her to call him.

"I will be there by afternoon." saying Zhi Ruo disconnected the call after exchanging some more pleasantries.


On the breakfast table,

"Let's go out for lunch?" suggested Qing Shan while having breakfast.

Looking at him Zhi Ruo answered, "I have nothing else to do, but I... need to meet someone. Then we can go."

Thinking for quite some time Qing Shan suggested, "If you are fine, I can drop you. I have to complete something at the company and then I can pick you up. Then we can head to lunch. What say?"

Drinking a glass of Juice Zhi Ruo nodded, "Sounds good."