Am I weak?

"What if..."

"No" Xu Beihan stopped yifei from speaking whatever she had in her mind.

Even though Yifei herself did not want things to go the way they were going, there was nothing she could do about it.

Yifei was able to see that things were already out of their hand. Trying to softly persuade Beihan she caught his arm lightly and spoke, "Beihan, Why don't we try to talk to someone?"

Beihan was in deep thoughts. He was physically present here but his mind was wandering somewhere else. He frowned and narrowed his eyes. Looking towards Yifei with a fierceness he shook his head showing his rejection on her idea.

Yifei already knew the result. She still wanted to try and see if time had healed his hatred. Unfortunately, like years ago he still had the same hatred, and Yifei's another attempt to persuade him failed.


In Qing Shan's office,

Throwing a stack of papers on the floor Qing Shan shouted, "What is this? Can't you find out who orchestrated this?"