Dinner date

The whole car ride further was more or less the same. Zhi Ruo would keep on guessing where they were going while Qing Shan would just smile at her.

In the end, she just decided to enjoy watching the scenery and praise the beauty of mother nature.

Soon, after around an hour the car came to a halt at a place which seemed like a beach. Turning her head towards Qing Shan, looking at him with a questioning face Zhi Ruo asked, "Here?"

Qing Shan got down from the car and came to her side and opened the door. Stretching his hand towards her, "Come on."

Qing Shan's smile was gentle and alluring. His face had an exceptional charm making Zhi Ruo getting attracted to her.

The car stopped at a good distance from the beach. Qing Shan took Zhi Ruo's hand and started walking ahead towards the beach amidst the darkness.

"What are we doing here?" Zhi Ruo asked impatiently.