Five suicides

"Did you find anything?" Xu Beihan asked.

Ruihan was the one who was responsible for going out and co-ordinating with the forensic team to find out crucial information to help them. Another part of the job that Ruihan would do is also regarding finding clues from the public.

Ruihan had excellent camouflage skills, he would be able to camouflage and enter in the crowd, blending into it he would try to find out some more information.

Ruihan nodded and passed a thick stack of papers to Xu Beihan, "This is the information of all the suicide cases in the university."

Xu Beihan quickly picked up the papers and started going through it.

Zhi Ruo had just entered the cabin and stood still watching Xu Beihan reading something.

"What happened?" Xu Beihan asked looking at Zhi Ruo. He knew she would never come up if there was not something urgent. Zhi Ruo glanced at Ruihan before turning her gaze to Xu Beihan, "Is this the information regarding the suicide cases in the past?"