Problem in the video

"Not authentic?" Zhi Ruo was completely shocked.

She had done various analysis checks, found out the authenticity. Not only that she also used her own software to check it to confirm it, and Qing Shan with a single glance spoke that the video was non- authentic.

Qing Shan was still lying in the bed rest with a proud face as if asking for praise. It was not anything different or special for her. Since he had proposed her, he had changed a lot. As if with the proposal the door to a different Qing shan had been opened.

Noticing his childish actions, Zhi Ruo quietly raised her head and pecked on his cheeks, "Can you tell me now?"

Feeling happy with her actions, Qing Shan carefully adjusted the time of the video and played it at a specific time.

Pausing at a particular moment, "Look here!" Qing Shan pointed to a specific place on the screen.