Stressed Xu Beihan!

"It's still early in the morning and you already seem to be crying!" Yifei's voice rang out loud in the quiet room.

Xu Beihan frowned.

She was right, he was stressed.

There were many things that were not going right. He had to find them out and control them in his own way.

Not minding Yifei's intrusion he kept on thinking about his plans and did not pay any heed to her.

Yifei was not happy being treated like a thin air. There was nothing she could do, stomping her feet in anger she left the room leaving Xu Beihan all alone to enjoy his thinking time.


In the office,

Xu Beihan had seven files in front of him. Each file had a thick stack of papers and was thick with several sticky notes stuck on it at various pages.

Zhi Ruo was the first to arrive at the office before time. As compared to Xu Beihan she seemed to be calm and confident.

"Early?" Xu Beihan noticed her coming so early and asked her.