Miss. Ru

"Miss Zhi!" Secretary Han was briefing his secretary about some meeting when he noticed Qing Shan's lift coming up. 

He turned his head to look at who it could be. Apart from Qing Shan and himself, there was no one who would use the personal lift. Even the family members would tour the whole building and then come to the office. Secretary Han also double-checked if there was anyone from the Qing family visiting Qing Shan today, but he found none. 

Noticing Zhi Ruo coming up from the lift Secretary Han's face turned pale. His eyes glanced at Qing Shan's office before he rushed to greet Zhi Ruo. 

"Miss Zhi, Why are you here?" Secretary Han blurted out due to anxiousness. Out of all the people he had never expected Zhi Ruo to appear out of that lift catching him off guard. It was that when he realized he was the one who gave her the passcode for the lift and asked her to visit through it next time. Secretary Han felt like kicking himself right now.