Bad luck!

Hearing what Yifei said, Xu Beihan felt as if his life was draining away. Anyone else could not understand, but how can he not get the idea about what was about to happen. 

"Beihan! Beihan!" Yifei did not hear anything after she informed Xu Beihan why she called. 

She had tried her best to make things stable but at this point, she only had the last option to inform Beihan. Although she knew that informing Xu Beihan would make things worse and might again push him into the worst nightmare she still had to do so. 

Xu Beihan was brought out of his thoughts by Yifei anxiously calling him.

He shook his head to clear his mind, "When did it start?" 

Instead of getting cold feet, he decided to deal with the matter in a better way. The first step that he did was to find out if he still had some time to think and try to prevent the situation or if he was already out of time.