Qing Shan's Dilemma!

After around ten minutes later, Qing Shan came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped on his lower waist. As soon as he came out his wandering eyes landed on Zhi Ruo.

Zhi Ruo was still lying on the bed thinking about everything that happened a couple of moments ago.

 Qing Shan saw her staring into space while her face was constantly blushing. Without wasting any time, Qing Shan hurriedly changed into his nightdress and entered the bed beside her. 

Moving closer to her, he wrapped her tenderly in his arms before he kissed her forehead with full of love and said deeply, "My wife, I love you."

Except for Qing Shan, no one knew how much he wanted this day to come. How much he wanted Zhi Ruo to accept him and not disgust him. He maintained himself and caged his thoughts always, so she could be comfortable around him. He always became her friend and never behaved like her husband so she gets enough time to adjust to her new title.