An unknown opponent!

The moment Qing Shan noticed that Zhi Xin had entered, his eyes which were filled with anger directed towards him.

The small smile hanging on Zhi Xin's lips irritated Qing Shan even more. Nevertheless, there was nothing he was able to do about it.

Qing Shan clenched his fist almost digging his nails into his flesh, while he tried to keep his face as neutral as possible, trying to hide his anger, which evoked another burst of laughter from Zhi Xin who was now calmly and nonchalantly sitting on the chair.

"Worthy opponent! It seems you know much more about the opponent?" Qing Shan spoke.

Qing Shan had only attacked the other party because Zhi Xin wanted it. Even though, if he wanted he could have stopped Zhi Xin, but as much as he knew him, Qing Shan was sure that if stopped, Zhi Xin would himself charge into the battle.

Now that he had underestimated the opponent Qing Shan really wanted to know what made Zhi Xin be so sure of the opponent's strength.