Passing the strength!

The person who was sitting on the bedside picked up the frame which had a blurry picture on it and started caressing it slowly with some kind of nostalgic feeling. 

Inside the dark room with no lighting, the only thing that was visible was his still shadow which was very light and was only visible because of the moonlight entering through the correct windows. 

" See, how I save other girls like you! "

Following which, that person started laughing slowly yet smoothly. Soon the soft and smooth laughter turned into a maniac one.

Not long after, the maniac laughter started turned into a sobbing voice following which the person kept the picture frame back to its own place and buried his face into his hands before he kept on sobbing. 

After some time, the sobbing gradually decreased and eventually stopped following which, he turned his head towards the creaked window looking at the moon uttering, " I will soon save another life... "