Doctor Gu Repeated, Do not unlock

I do have another chapter ready, but I got it bin a PDF and now I am trying of a way to find out how to convert it into word.

The night passed by with Zhi Ruo sweating a little bit but, eventually there was no major changes that she observed. Since Qing Shan already knew about the contents and the effects as well, of course all thanks to his parents, he simply just lower the temperature of the A C making Zhi Ruo feel comfortable and fall asleep.

Early in the morning, since it was a really big day, Zhi Ruo got up really early, as compared to her usual waking up time following which even Qing Shan got up due to her not so remarkable movements. 

Most importantly, Qing Shan got up because he started feeling something empty from his arms making him feel all restless. It was only after he got up that he realized his emptiness and restlessness was because, his lovely and sft wife had left her place.