
Inside a luxurious restaurant, Yifei and Xu Beihan were sitting in front of each other and had just finished ordering their food.

"Beihan, aren't you tired of eating restaurant's food?" Yifei with a little disgusted expression asked Xu Beihan, making him shut his eyes for a moment as he tried to calm down the anger building up inside him.

After all, can he blame Yifei for not filling the groceries on time and in the end moment informing him that there was nothing to cook!

Can he scold her, can he question her, can he force her to do work on time?

With no other option left for him, Xu Beihan quietly nodded his head accepting Yifei's thoughts. After all there was nothing he was able to do about it. 

"Beihan, shall we go and stock up some groceries on our way?" Yifei enthusiastically asked Xu Beihan while wondering about next day.