The mysterious laugh...

With each passing second Guard Two started losing his composure. After all his boss was well known to kill any and everyone he would want with just the snap of his fingers. Guard Two had also heard that his boss had even fought the death god for his life. 

"Boss... I will ask him again!" Guard Two spoke as he tried to control his stuttering. Just as Guard Two thought he had avoided his death, he saw his boss shaking his head while realizing his hand midair gesturing him to stop. 

Guard Two's legs trembled.

Various questions started swirling in his mind.

He himself was unable to believe that a mere girl could destroy their project which was carefully crafted and executed. How could he expect his boss to believe it? Realizing his stupidity Guard Two was ready to apologize. 

Just when he was about to drop on his knees to beg for his life he heard something which was never heard. It was a soft giggle.