Qi Anmei.

Days passed by and it's already the tenth of February, Fan Xifeng counter and this is her seventh day in the Capital, also just nine days away before she turned twemty-five and her engagement with Han Ziwein.

This is also the day that Fan Xifeng will start working at Fan Enterprise in the Research and Development Department.

Since her father settled everything, from her credentials to her identity, Fan Xifeng arrived early in the company. Albeit the weird gazes from those who saw her starting from the building's security guards, Fan Xifeng kept her calm.

Having to reached inside, she approached the reception area. However, seeing her face, the receptionist's paused from greeting her but realizing her impoliteness and unprofessionalism, her smile returned towards the approaching Fan Xifeng. Seeing this, Fan Xifeng nodded in satisfaction. It looks like the Human Resource Department were indeed good finding professionals and excellent staff. "Good morning Maam! May I help you with anything?"

Fan Xifeng smiled and showed the receptionist her business card. Remembering that the HR Department left a note that a research specialist from abroad named Jing Feng would arrived, she is to call to inform them. "Could you please wait on the waiting area first miss Jing? I will call the HR department to inform them that you arrived so that a staff from the second floor will fetch you."

"Not a problem. Thank you." Fan Xifeng smiled and nodded before walking to the waiting area. There were people already sitting on the sofa minding their own businesses however, seeing the approaching Fan Xifeng and her ugly appearance, they frowned in confusion. 'Everything is so modern now especially beauty products or process for women. How could this lady seemed to enjoy being this ugly,' is the thought among themselves

Fan Xifeng ignored the looks given her way and chose to sit at the corner of the lounge. She waited for some minutes and she stood up after seeing the receptionist coming her way.

Her slightly thick eyeglass however fell and she suddenly stopped not seeing that another lady was coming her way.

"What the!"

Everything happened so quickly. A pretty lady, obviously a staff of Fan Enterprise accidentally bumped into Fan Xifeng and the hot coffee fell from her grasp that dampen her self and Fan Xifeng's clothes. However, since Fan Xifeng was on the lower ground as she was yet to pick her glasses up, her arms and clothes rather was splashed by the hot liquid.

"Aren't you watching? Look, my clothes are wet!" The staff shouted at Fan Xifeng. Seeing her hideous appearance, the lady didn't mind her manners to be polite.

Everyone in the lobby stopped to watch the scene. Fan Xifeng picked her glasses, wore it, stand up before paying attention to the rather impolite woman. It's true that she's at fault here but she's not the only one. Both of them has fault in this, her from suddenly stopping and the lady from walking too fast not caring that she's carrying a hot liquid in her hand with her.

"I apologized miss," Fan Xifeng paused to look at the lady's nametag, "Qi Anmei."

Qi Anmei who's mood turned spoiled from being wet with the hot coffee stared at Fan Xifeng with an insulting look. "Apologized? Just that? How convenient! Why were you so stupid not even looking your way! Look, my suit is wet!" Qi Anmei said in annoyance.

Fan Xifeng's eyebrow raised. "Miss Qi Anmei, I already apologized and I believe it's already enough. We are both at fault here and I took responsibility with mine from suddenly stopping. However, you, who were walking rather too fast and not even careful enough knowing you are holding a hot liquid. You're also at fault here." Fan Xifeng showed her reddened arms, "Look, I was even injured! You're suit was only dampened by the coffee. I even suffered from a burn." Fan Xifeng replied in fluent English, leaving the woman and those who were able to hear her accent shocked. 'Is she a foreigner?' Was most of their thoughts.

"Miss Qi, please let's settle this later. Miss Jing is just new here so please let it go. Unless you want me to report this to your supervisor." The receptionist butt in. "I'm sorry for this miss Jing. One staff from the HR department was already waiting in the reception area to bring you upstairs." The receptionist then walked to usher Fan Xifeng back to the reception area leaving Qi Anmei in confusion.

She could somehow understand English through reading them and basic one during a conversation but not really to the extent of being talked at in fluent straight English. Much especially because the ugly woman talked rather fast as well she could only understand the words apologized, walking, careful, holding and suffered. Also she could make up with the word "burn" when she saw the ugly woman showed her reddish arm.

When she looked around, she caught the glances on her way from others. Maybe because she showed her impolite attitude in public that despite the lady from earlier as being ugly, it's her who showed her crude manner that received taunting glances.

Qi Anmei's face changed solemn and walked to the elevator seeing that one of the building's maintenance staff cleaned the wet area, not even bothering to give thanks to the woman mopping the floor.

"Such an arrogant woman." The cleaner murmured worsening Qi Anmei's mood. However, unless she wants to be called by the higher up for her attitude and worst, get expelled from her job, Qi Anmei could only tolerate being talked like that by a lowly janitor.

Upon remembering the ugly woman who seemed to be from the western country due to her English accent, Qi Anmei rather felt angry and feel the need to get back to that woman. If not because of her, her day wouldn't start in a bad way.

She stopped at the HR department to inquire about the said woman but the HR department kept a tight lipped and didn't even reveal any information about her or the department which she will be placed to.

With a grumpy expression, Qi Anmei walked to start her work in her department, the Research and Development Department.