Come back

*Xin Lei*

The car was now already far away, out of sight.

We lost them...We lost Chu Jie and Cocoa too.

"Xin Lei! What happened?"

Bai Li called my name, and I snapped out. I rushed back to him and hugged him hard. I couldn't help and broke down.

"Xin Lei. What happened? Why are you crying?"

I quickly typed, but my fingers were trembling. All the words I typed out didn't make any sense.

Damn! Come on!

"Bai Li. We have to follow them. Cocoa has also jumped in the car, and he is with them."

I felt Bai Li stiffen. "Cocoa is with her?"

"Yes. Bai Li. We have to follow them before it's too late!"


"We cannot. Duan Deming is shot, and Liao Huifang is also hurt. They need medical help. We cannot leave them alone."

I froze.

I...B-but Cocoa and Chu Jie…